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Job Descriptions

Public Affairs Specialist

Position Series/number: Public Affairs Series, 1035
Grade Scale: GS-7, 9, 11 through 15

Job Description

At NIH, Public Affairs Specialists are involved in a variety of programs to disseminate the goals and findings of research programs and projects to the public, the medical community, Congress, and private health organizations and to provide responses to inquiries. Public Affairs Specialists also prepare publications, reports, articles, exhibits, displays, and other materials on research activities and NIH programs, and use communications technologies including web sites and audiovisual technologies to translate scientific data and information into formats and messages that are accessible to both professional and nonscientific audiences. They work with subject matter experts to develop, design, implement, and evaluate media related activities to reach a broad range of selected national audiences and manage the planning and execution of press conferences and media contacts. These positions require skill in developing written materials to convey information concerning complex programs and functions to publics having diverse levels of understanding of the organization's programs and activities; and knowledge of communication principles and techniques to plan and implement public affairs programs.

Minimum Requirements

How to Apply

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This page was last reviewed on May 5, 2009.
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