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Job Descriptions

Human Resources Specialist

Position Series/number: Personnel Management Series, 0201
Grade Scale: GS-5, 7, 9, 11 - 15

Job Description

Human Resources Specialists at the NIH perform a wide variety of specialties in Federal Human Resources Management, including management advisory functions, personnel and payroll systems processing and support; pay and compensation services; position classification and wage administration; recruitment and placement; and organizational design. Human Resource Specialists provide managers and employees with information on, and interpretations of, Federal and Agency classification, compensation, recruitment, and position management procedures, policies, and guidelines. Specialists may conduct job analyses, prepare vacancy announcements, determine qualifications, make employment offers, set pay, and process personnel actions. Human Resources Specialists may also perform policy development, workforce analyses, and management advisory services, and use their skills to develop, evaluate, or improve approaches, strategies, or systems necessary to implement new Human Resources programs. These positions require knowledge of Human Resources Management principles, concepts, and practices, including knowledge of Federal government Human Resources policies, regulations, and procedures. Positions also require verbal skills to conduct interviews and written communications skills to prepare reports, correspondence, and personnel documents.

Minimum Requirements

How to Apply

Check for open vacancies


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This page was last reviewed on April 16, 2009.
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