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Job Description

Computer Operator

Position Series/number: Computer Operation Series, 0332
Grade Scale: GS - 7-9

Job Description

NIH Computer Operators monitor and operate equipment on large-scale computer systems. Computer Operators are responsible for reconfiguring equipment, identifying and resolving equipment malfunctions and failures and monitoring system performance. In addition, they monitor job distribution and resource allocation to link with internal systems. They prepare and maintain problem logs and serve as resource to answer questions or troubleshoot problems for staff and assist in the installation, upgrade, and configuration of network printing, directory structures, rights, security, and software. These positions require knowledge of technical methods, principles, and practices of data processing equipment, systems analysis, and programming to analyze, diagnose, and resolve complex operating problems, including knowledge of personal computers, local area networks (LAN), data communications equipment, and related software.

Minimum Requirements

How to Apply

Check for open vacancies


This page was last reviewed on April 16, 2009.
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