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May 5, 2009
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Senate Bills - 109th Congress

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S. 3914—The Gestational Diabetes Act of 2006

On September 20, 2006, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) introduced S. 3914, the "Gestational Diabetes Act of 2006." The bill would require that CDC and NICHD, acting in consultation with NIDDK, expand research regarding gestational diabetes and obesity during pregnancy. The bill would also require CDC to establish a research advisory committee (which would include an NIH representative), to develop a "multisite, gestational diabetes research project within the diabetes program of the CDC to expand and enhance surveillance data and public health research on gestational diabetes." Other provisions would require CDC to award demonstration grants to reduce the incidence of gestational diabetes, and to encourage screening for gestational diabetes through existing state-based diabetes programs. The bill has two cosponsors and was referred to the Senate HELP Committee.



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