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Marguerite Klein, M.S., Health Science Administrator

Marguerite Klein, whose academic training is in nutrition, health education and clinical trials methodology, had a 15-year career primarily in cardiovascular disease prevention followed by nine years in research of complementary and alternative medicines. In 2008, she joined the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), National Institutes of Health (NIH). She has developed and managed national public health education programs; designed and implemented large clinical trials of diet and dietary supplements for disease prevention and treatment; and developed a quality control program for dietary supplements used in research. She has received several NIH Director’s awards for efforts in clinical trials research and her leadership in identifying and implementing major opportunities in dietary supplement research. Currently, she is expanding the ODS Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program and is working to address challenging issues (e.g., soy clinical studies; probiotic safety) in order to improve the integrity of dietary supplement research.


This page was last modified on Tuesday, December 23, 2008.

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