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Focused training

The training opportunities for scientific and administrative aspects of research are as diverse as the backgrounds of our scientific staff and their needs. Here at the NIH, the organizational culture focuses on continued learning and collaboration. Employees can attend scientific lectures on campus or join a Scientific Interest Group. All staff may take advantage of classes and courses offered by the HHS University, the NIH Training Center, and the Center for Information Technology.

Dr. Doussard-Roosevelt explained how her work as a Scientific Review Officer (SRO) involves self-directed learning. "As an SRO you are reading the cutting edge research in your field of interest. Most academics love the time they can spend keeping up on the literature. As an SRO it is part of your job description to stay informed of the latest developments. Thus you spend time reviewing applications as well as attending workshops and conferences."

This page was last reviewed on April 29, 2009.
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