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A Powerful Mission

When we spoke with a diverse range of NIH employees about why they came to NIH and why they stay, their number one response was the NIH mission.

Dr. Doussard-Roosevelt discusses why her work as a Scientific Review Officers (SRO) is particularly satisfying, "The job of the SRO is a puzzle.  Each review round you are presented with 50-100 applications in your area and you must assign three reviewers with appropriate expertise to each application.  The majority of the reviewers are standing members of your panel and you match their expertise to the incoming applications, carefully engineering balanced workloads. Then you fill out the necessary expertise with ad hoc reviewers that you invite for that round. When you take into account all of the parameters (expertise, workload, institutional affiliation, potential conflicts of interest, etc.) the puzzle becomes quite complex and the careful working and reworking of assignments prior to the meeting results in a completed puzzle that provides a great sense of accomplishment."

This page was last reviewed on April 29, 2009.
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