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Press Releases and Journal Articles

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NIH Press Releases: View on NIH Website

April 27, 2009: "Countries Unite to Reduce Animal Use in Product Toxicity Testing Worldwide"

June 23, 2008: "Newly Approved Ocular Safety Methods Reduce Animal Testing"

February 14, 2008: "NIH Collaborates with EPA to Improve the Safety Testing of Chemicals"

February 5, 2008: "Plan Expedites Alternatives to Animal Testing"

October 3, 2001: "Drop of 30 Percent in Use of Animals in Some Chemical Tests Could be Quickly Achieved Through Use of Cells, U.S. Says"

March 21, 2000: "EPA, OSHA and CPSC Accept Non-Animal System for Screening Chemicals' Skin Corrosiveness"

December 28, 1999: "A Big First Step in Reducing Animal Testing: FDA, EPA, OSHA and CPSC Accept Alternative Test for Allergic Contact Dermatitis Following Review, Approval by an Independent Scientific Panel"

June 22, 1999: "Science Panel Endorses New Non-Animal Test To See If Chemicals Will Burn, Corrode Skin And Eyes"

September 10, 1998: "New Agency Group to Review Proposed Use of Skin Sensitivity Test Using Fewer Animals"

March 13, 1997: "U.S. Agencies Agree on How to Bring Alternative Testing Methods Into Use to Supplement, Replace or Improve Current Tests"

Journal Articles on NICEATM and ICCVAM activities

"Ocular Safety Assays Accepted", Environmental Health Perspectives, 116:381, September 2008 [PDF]

"Toxicity Testing Takes Stock", Environmental Health Perspectives, 116:113, March 2008

"Meeting Report: Validation of Toxicogenomics-Based Test Systems: ECVAM–ICCVAM/NICEATM Considerations for Regulatory Use", Environmental Health Perspectives, 114:420-429 March 2006

"Implementation of the 3Rs (refinement, reduction, and replacement): validation and regulatory acceptance considerations for alternative toxicological test methods", ILAR J. 43:S85-94 2002

More references to abstracts and journal articles describing NICEATM and ICCVAM activities can be found on the Methods pages, on summary pages of Meetings attended by NICEATM and ICCVAM, and in ICCVAM Annual and Biennial Reports.

Dr. William Stokes appearance on NPR's Science Friday

Dr. William Stokes, Director of NICEATM, participated in a discussion on "Animal Testing and Research Ethics" on the National Public Radio show Science Friday that aired February 29, 2008. More information is available about the show at the Science Friday archives.

Advancing Public Health and Animal Welfare