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EHP Partners with Mexican Public Health Journal

By Eddy Ball
May 2009

A photograph of Hugh Tilson.
EHP Editor-in-Chief Hugh Tilson (Photo courtesy of Steve McCaw)

A photograph of Carlos Oropeza Abúndez.
Salud Pública de México Executive Editor Carlos Oropeza Abúndez (Photo courtesy of Salud Pública de México)

Scientists in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries can now enjoy the benefits of a new partnership announced in March between the NIEHS-funded journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) ( NIEHS and the interdisciplinary Mexican journal Salud Pública de México, according to EHP Editor-in-Chief Hugh Tilson, Ph.D. Issues of the Mexican journal now feature 10 to 12 pages of EHP environmental health news articles translated into Spanish to help Latin American readers stay up-to-date on advances in the environmental health sciences.

In the EHP announcement of the partnership, Tilson said, “We are happy to share EHP with our Spanish-speaking neighbors, to increase the reach of these important environmental health studies, and to increase overall awareness of environmental issues worldwide.”

Carlos Oropeza Abúndez, executive editor of Salud Pública de México, pointed to the importance of such binational cooperation. “It is our desire that the collaboration between EHP and Salud Pública de México will strengthen the scientific communication in Spanish of key environmental health issues, and that it will be the first of future efforts to promote public health,” he said.

EHP is an open-access journal published monthly, available free online and by subscription. It is number one of 160 environmental science journals, with an impact factor of 5.64. The partnership with Salud Pública de México ( NIEHS is the latest of the journal’s international outreach efforts ( )Exit NIEHS, which include a Chinese-language edition, as well as partnerships with Mali Médical, Ciencia y Trabajo, and Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. The journal also has established collaborations with foreign public and environmental health organizations.

The Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP), an independent entity supported by Mexican federal funds, has published the bimonthly Salud Pública de México since 1959. The journal, with articles in English and Spanish, is indexed by MEDLINE and other major indexing organizations.

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