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Explore the States Hawaii
graphic map, flower and images of Hawaii

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Known as the "Aloha State" (in Hawaiian, "aloha" means "hello"), Hawaii is a group of volcanic islands in the central Pacific Ocean that together became the 50th state in 1959. The state's name is possibly derived from a native Hawaiian word for homeland, hawaiki or owhyhee. Today, Hawaii, whose capital is Honolulu, is often called the "Crossroads of the Pacific" and is a popular vacation spot. The colorful hibiscus is the state flower.

Photo of Tin Yau Yee honoring his ancestors by laying out foods on an ancestral grave
Ching Ming in April
Hawaiian Domingas
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Andagi, Ashitibichi, and Yaki Soba
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Can You Canoe?
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Ching Ming in April
"Ching Ming Tradition in Hawaii"
Hawaiian Domingas
"Portuguese Holy Ghost Festival and Traditional Practices"
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"Prince Lot Hula Festival"
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"Even Royalty Surfs in Hawaii"

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