Multi-Cultural Resources for Health Information

Cultural Competency

Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Online Translation Tools

Health Literacy

Health Resources in Multiple Languages

General Information

Asian Resources

Cancer Resources

Dental Resources

HIV/AIDS Resources

Women's Health Resources

Interpreting in Health Care

Law, Policy, and Standards

Limited English Proficiency

  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
    Website on the implementation of Executive Order 13166, Title VI, and the Title VI
    regulations regarding language access. Clearinghouse regarding Limited English
    Proficiency and language services
    Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • MedlinePlus Easy-to-Read Materials
    MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine

Multicultural Research

Organizations and Portals

Refugee Health Portals


Reference to an external Internet resource on this server does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the National Library of Medicine of the services or views described in that resource.
  • PDF documents require the use of the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader, which can be downloaded from Adobe's Web site at no charge.

Last updated: 25 March 2009
First published: 23 April 2007
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