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A competence to perform an observable behavior or a behavior that results in an observable product.

Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)

An independent, impartial trier of fact in formal administrative hearings. An ALJ is similar to that of a trial judge conducting civil trials without a jury. In general, ALJs prepare for and preside at formal hearings required by statute, to be held under or in substantial accord with provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, in sections 553-559 of title 5, United States Code (5 U.S.C. §553, 5 U.S.C. §554, 5 U.S.C. §555, 5 U.S.C. §556, 5 U.S.C. §557, 5 U.S.C. §558, 5 U.S.C. §559)

Agency Certification Program

A certification developed by an agency, group of agencies, or other group that demonstrates a person's proficiency in the job-related competencies/KSAs. An agency certification program does not have to be recognized by a professional community.


A person who applies for a vacant position.


The person who is ultimately appointed to a position, and who enters on board with the hiring agency.

Appointing Officer

A person having the authority, by law, or by duly delegated authority, to appoint, employ, or promote individuals to positions in an agency.

Appointing Authority

The legal or regulatory basis on which a specific appointment may be made to a Federal civilian position.

Assessment Center

A method of evaluating a candidate's job-related competencies/KSAs using multiple raters and exercises to evaluate each competency. Assessment centers utilize a variety of competency-related assessment simulations, including group exercises, in-basket exercises, questionnaires, fact-finding exercises, interviews, and role-playing.

Assessment Tool

A device or method used to measure the degree to which an applicant possesses the competencies or KSAs necessary for successful job performance. Examples of assessment tools include rating schedules, written tests, work samples, and structured interviews.


A procedure by which additional points are added to the ratings of eligibles based upon an assessment of competencies/KSAs pertaining to specific job-related criteria that were not previously measured.


The process by which the certifying action is taken on a returned Certificate of Eligibles by the Human Resource Office to comply with legal and regulatory selection procedures.


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Behavioral Consistency Method

A method of evaluating a person's training and experience by asking candidates to describe their major achievements in several job-related areas identified for the position, called job dimensions (i.e., competencies/KSAs). The behavioral consistency method operates on the assumption that past behavior is the best predictor of future performance.

Bona Fide Consideration

An applicant receives bona fide consideration when his or her name is within the group of three eligible candidates referred to the selecting official on a certificate list and a legal appointment is made from the certificate. Each eligible candidate is entitled to three bona fide considerations for the same appointment before he or she can be eliminated from consideration.


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An applicant who meets the minimum qualifications requirements for a position, and is therefore eligible for consideration. See also "Eligible."

Career Conditional Appointment

Appointment to a non-temporary position in the competitive service pursuant to 5 CFR Part 315.

Career Transition Assistance Program (CTAP)

A program designed by an agency to actively assist its surplus and displaced employees by providing selection priority for competitive service vacancies. Under the career transition assistance plan (CTAP), you must notify employees who are surplus or have been displaced from your agency of vacancies that your agency plans to fill in their local commuting area.
(See Chapter 4 and 5 CFR Part 330).

Case Examining

A technique in which the job seeker applies directly for a specific job and is rated and ranked using job-related competencies/ KSAs. A certified delegated examiner conducts the examination process and issues a certificate of eligibles for the position, but does not maintain a standing inventory of qualified applicants.

Category Rating

A process of evaluating qualified eligibles by quality categories rather than by assigning individual numeric scores. The agency assesses candidates against job-related criteria and then places them into two or more pre-defined categories. Synonymous with alternative rating as described at 5 U.S.C. §3319.

Certificate of Eligibles

A list of the highest-ranked eligibles in score and veterans preference order, submitted to a selecting official for appointment consideration in accordance with the competitive selection laws and regulations.

Closing Date

The date beyond which applications for an advertised position will no longer be accepted. A closing date should be established for each vacancy and must be provided in the job announcement advertising the position.


A measurable pattern of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or occupational functions successfully.

Competency-Based Job Profile

A statement of the general and technical competencies required for optimal performance in an occupation or job family. Competencies identified as critical for a job provide a basis for developing applicant assessments and related products.

Competitive Appointment

An appointment based on selection from a competitive examination or under other specific authority.

Competitive Examining

The competitive examination, which is open to all applicants, may consist of a written test, an evaluation of an applicant's education and experience, and/or an evaluation of other attributes necessary for successful performance in the position to be filled.

The process used to fill civil service positions with candidates who apply from outside the Federal workforce. It is also used to enable current Federal employees without civil service status to compete for a permanent appointment and to enable employees with civil service status to compete for other Federal positions.

Competitive Status

A person's basic eligibility for assignment (for example, by transfer, promotion, reassignment, demotion, or reinstatement) to a position in the competitive service without having to compete with members of the general public in an open competitive examination. Once acquired, status belongs to the individual, not to the position. (5 U.S.C. § 3304(a))

Competitor Inventory

A competitor inventory is a rank-ordered list of eligibles that meet one set of qualification requirements, have passed one examining vehicle and are available to be considered for: one or more grade levels; one or more occupational specialties; at one or more geographical locations; and various employment conditions identified on the job announcement such as, travel, night or shift work. A competitor inventory is an alternative to case examining.

Content Validity

A characteristic possessed by an assessment instrument whose contents accurately reflect actual job requirements. For example, a typing test would likely be a highly content-valid instrument for assessing a person’s qualifications to be a clerk-typist. Also referred to as "face validity."

Crediting Plan

A method by which a candidate's job-related competencies/KSAs are evaluated by reviewing the factual background of a candidate, to include positions held, levels of responsibility, accomplishments, and job-related education they have received. Also called a "rating schedule."

Critical Hiring Need

A need to fill a particular position or group of positions to meet agency mission requirements brought about by an emergency or potential threat; to meet an unanticipated or unusual mission requirement; to conform to the requirements of law, a Presidential directive or Administration initiative; or to address an unexpected event outside of an agency's control.


One who performs cleaning or other ordinary routine maintenance duties in or about a small government building or a building under Federal control, park, monument, or other Federal reservation; or acts as a foreman of laborers engaged in cleaning or janitorial duties in a large government building under Federal control; or fires a heating plant in a Federal building as a part of his/her duties in connection with the cleaning and ordinary maintenance of the building.


The date after which applications will continue to be accepted, but will not be given initial consideration. A cut-off date may be useful where large numbers of applications are expected over an extended period of time, and there is an immediate need to fill a position. If a cut-off date is established, it must be provided in the job announcement advertising the position. (See Chapter 3)


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Deferred-Rated Competitor Inventory

A list of applicants in alphabetical or identification number order. The list also includes options and grades for which the applicants are considered. Although there may be an initial screening for basic qualifications, applications are rated only when a certificate is requested for a specific job announcement. Typically, the rating is valid only for that specific position.

Delegation Agreement

An agreement between the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and the head of a department or agency that delegates examining authority to the agency, as provided by title 5 U.S.C. §1104 and amended by Public Law 104-52, dated November 1995. (See Appendix A)

Delegated Examining Authority

Authority to fill competitive civil service positions pursuant to a delegation agreement. Delegated examining authority must be exercised in accordance with civil service laws and regulations.

DEO Examiners/ Staff

Agency representative(s) or staff member(s) operating under the agency's delegated examining authority. These individuals must be trained and certified by OPM in order to conduct delegated examining functions as stated in the agency's delegation examining agreement. (See Appendix A).

Direct-Hire Authority

Authority that permits hiring without regard to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. §§3309 through 3318, and 5 CFR Parts 211 and 337 subpart A.

Displaced Employee

A current agency employee serving under a competitive service appointment in tenure group I or II who has received a specific reduction in force (RIF) separation notice, or notice of proposed removal for declining a directed reassignment or transfer of function outside of the local commuting area. (See 5 CFR Part 330)

Dual Certification

The concurrent referral of an applicant to more than one position such as, multiple grades, specialties, and/or geographic locations from eligibility established under a particular job announcement or application procedure.


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Education is an indicator of proficiency that relates to course work completed by the candidate that is related to the competencies/KSAs needed to perform in the job.

Elevator Operator

An individual whose primary duty is the running of freight or passenger elevators. The work includes opening and closing elevator gates and doors, working elevator controls, loading and unloading the elevator, giving information and directions to passengers such as on the location of offices, and reporting problems in running the elevator.


An applicant who satisfies the minimum qualifications requirements for the position, and therefore is eligible for consideration. See also "Candidate."

Erroneous Certification

A certificate involving the inadvertent misranking, noncertification, or failure to give bona fide consideration to an eligible in connection with a competitive Certificate of Eligibles.

Error of the Commission Principle

There is a 1917 Attorney General's decision (Civil Service - Erroneous Certification, April 19, 1917.31 U.S. Op. Att. Gen. 110, 1917. WL 729 (U.S.A.G.)). The Attorney General concluded that regularizing appointments from an erroneous certificate was unduly harsh to the selectee and contrary to the intent of Congress. The error of the commission is intended to correct administrative errors on the part of the examining office.

Expected Service

A term used to describe all civil service positions that are not in either the competitive service or the Senior Executive Service. (See 5 CFR Part 213)


Experience is an indicator of proficiency that relates to the school, home, community, voluntary or work experiences of the candidate that are related to the competencies/KSAs needed to perform in the job.


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Generic Rating Procedure

A procedure for rating applicants that can be applied to a variety of positions, due to the fact that the positions have the same general competency/KSA requirements, with the primary difference reflected in the technical specialty areas. Typically, generic rating procedures are most applicable to entry-level positions.


One who is assigned to a station, beat, or patrol area in a Federal building or a building under Federal control to prevent illegal entry of persons or property or the illegal removal of persons or property; or required to stand watch at or to patrol a Federal reservation, industrial area, or other area designated by Federal authority, in order to protect life and property; make observations for detection of fire, trespass, unauthorized removal of public property or hazards to Federal personnel or property.


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Indicator of Proficiency

A source of evidence that a candidate possesses job-related competencies/KSAs (e.g., agency certification program, education, experience, professional activity, and professional certification).

Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP)

The Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP) is a process by which employees who have been involuntarily separated may receive selection priority for jobs in agencies other than the one in which they were previously employed. (See Chapter 4 and 5 CFR Part 330)

Interdisciplinary Position

A position involving duties and responsibilities closely related to more than one professional occupation. As a result, you could classify the position into two or more professional occupational series. The nature of the work is such that persons with education and experience in two or more professions may be considered equally well qualified to do the work. (See Chapter 6)


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Job Analysis

A systematic method for gathering, documenting, and analyzing information about the content, context, and requirements of the job. It demonstrates that there is a clear relationship between the tasks performed on the job and the competencies/KSAs required to perform the tasks. Job analysis information is used to develop employee selection procedures, identify training needs, define performance standards, and other uses.

Job Announcement

A document that informs the public regarding a job vacancy. A job announcement describes the requirements of the job, and instructs applicants regarding how to apply for the vacancy. Job announcements must be posted on USAJOBS as a means of satisfying the public notice requirement.


A standard met when the competencies or knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) in the rating procedure are shown through an analysis of the job to be necessary for successful job performance.


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A body of information applied directly to the performance of a function.


An acronym for "Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities." An applicant's qualifications for a position are often determined with reference to the KSAs that are relevant to successful performance in that position.


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Lost Certification

The second type of erroneous certification that occurs when an applicant is misranked on or left off a certificate, but correcting the error would not give the eligible real employment consideration.

Lost Employment Consideration

A serious type of erroneous certification in which there is a violation of law: Title 5 (Rule of Three) and possibly the Veterans' Preference Act of 1944.


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Merit Promotion Procedures

A placement made under the authority of 5 CFR Part 335, "Promotion and Internal Placement." With certain important exceptions (e.g., VEOA) only career status employees may apply for positions that are to be filled under merit promotion procedures.


One who supervises or performs general messenger work (such as running errands, delivering messages, and answering call bells) or other light and simple manual or mechanical work, and incidentally performs miscellaneous tasks of a simple or routine nature.

Minimum Qualifications

Qualifications that an applicant must possess, at a minimum, to be eligible for hire or promotion under the competitive system. Minimum qualifications are typically expressed in terms of job-related years of experience or education, i.e., course credit hours or a combination of the two. Applicants who do not meet the minimum qualification requirements for the position receive no further consideration.

Multiple Certification

The concurrent referral of an applicant to more than one grade, specialty, and/or geographic location. Also known as "dual certification."
(See Chapter 6)


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Non-competitive Action

An appointment to or placement in a position in the competitive service that is not made by selection from an open competitive examination, and that is usually based on current or prior Federal service. A noncompetitive action includes (1) all of the types of actions described under inservice placement; (2) appointments of non-Federal employees whose public or private enterprise positions are brought into the competitive service under title 5 CFR Part 316.701; and (3) appointments and conversions to career and career-conditional employment made under special authorities covered in 5 CFR Part 315.

Notice of Results

A letter that notifies an applicant of the status of his or her application.


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An objection is an agency's request to remove an eligible from consideration on a particular certificate.

Open Period

The period during which applications may be submitted for consideration. The duration of the open period must be sufficient enough to provide adequate public notice of the vacancy, and must be clearly specified in the job announcement. OPM recommends that agencies prescribe an open period of no fewer than five (5) calendar days.


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Passover Request

An objection filed against a preference eligible that, if sustained, would result in the selection of a non-preference eligible.

Preference Eligible

A veteran, spouse, widow, or mother, who meets the definition provided in 5 U.S.C. §2108. Preference eligibles are entitled to have 5 or 10 points added to their earned score on a civil service examination (See 5 U.S.C. §3309). Preference does not apply, however, to in-service placement action such as promotions.

Pre-rated Competitor Inventory

A list of eligibles that have been rated and ranked and placed in the order in which they are certified, by option and grade. This type of listing has traditionally been called a register, and applications are referred to as being "pre-rated" or "front-end-rated".

Priority Consideration

Special placement priority that is given to a candidate who was previously denied consideration due to erroneous or lost consideration. See Chapter 6.

Professional Activity

A professional activity is evidence of substantial contributions to a profession that is related to the competencies/KSAs needed to perform the job.

Professional Certification

A professional certification is an indicator of proficiency that takes into account the certification that is issued and recognized by a specific general professional community or industry that demonstrates a person's proficiency in the competencies/KSAs needed to perform the job.

Public Notice

The process of disseminating job vacancy information in a manner that assures that persons seeking Federal employment will have the opportunity to apply for the vacancy. Public notice explains to jobseekers when, where and how to apply for a Federal job. Public notice is required whenever you are considering hiring candidates from outside the Federal workforce for competitive service positions.


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Quality Categories

Groupings of individuals with similar levels of job-related knowledge, skills, abilities, or competencies.

Quality Level Rating Procedure

A rating procedure in which candidates are assigned ratings on qualifying experience and training according to a single quality level. Typically, three quality levels are used: "exceptional,""good," and "minimally qualified."Also referred to as the "A-C-E" rating procedure. (See Chapter 5)

Quality Ranking Factor

Quality ranking factors are competencies/KSAs that are expected to enhance performance in a position. Unlike selective factors, quality ranking factors are not used as a "screen out" factor.


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Rating Procedure

A single, comprehensive, documented process with specific criteria for making consistent and job-related determinations about the relative qualifications of applicants for a position.

Rating Schedule

See " Crediting Plan".

Reemployment Priority List (RPL)

A list of employees within the local commuting area who have been separated from your agency due to reduction in force (RIF) or work-related injury. If an employee on the RPL is qualified for a vacancy that exists within his or her local commuting area, you must (with few exceptions) select that employee before hiring anyone from outside the agency. See 5 CFR Part 330.


Non-competitive appointment of a person formerly employed in the competitive service (i.e., who either had a competitive status or was serving probation when separated) into the competitive service as a career or career-conditional employee. (See 5 CFR Part 315)

Reinstatement Eligibility

The conditions under which a person may be reinstated into the competitive service. (See 5 CFR Part 315)

Rule of Three

When selecting from a certificate of eligibles, an appointing officer must, with sole reference to merit and fitness, make a selection for the first vacancy from the highest three eligibles available for appointment on the certificate.


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Schedule A Appointment

A category of excepted service appointment that is applicable to positions that are not of a confidential or policy-determining character, and that are not in the Senior Executive Service, but for which it is impracticable to apply competitive examining requirements (e.g., qualification standards). Agencies must obtain authorization from OPM to make a Schedule A appointment. (See 5 CFR Part 213)

Schedule B Appointment

A category of excepted service appointment that is applicable to positions that are not of a confidential or policy-determining character, and that are not in the Senior Executive Service, but for which it is impracticable to hold open competition or to apply the usual competitive examining procedures. Candidates appointed under Schedule B authority must meet the basic qualification requirements established by OPM for the occupation and grade level. Agencies must obtain authorization from OPM to make a Schedule B appointment. (See 5 CFR Part 213)

Schedule C Appointment

A category of excepted service appointment that is applicable to positions that are of a confidential or policy-determining nature. Agencies must obtain authorization from OPM to make a Schedule C appointment. See 5 CFR Part 213.


A person selected for appointment to a position.

Selecting Officer

See "Appointing Officer."

Selective Factor

A KSA, competency, or special qualification without which a candidate could not perform the duties of a position in a satisfactory manner. Selective factors are applied in addition to minimum qualifications. Applicants who do not meet a selective factor are ineligible for further consideration.

Senior Executive Service (SES)

The employment system that applies to any positions that are classified above GS-15 and involve executive management and high policy-making responsibilities. SES positions are excluded from the competitive service, the system of rules and regulations that applies to most civil service positions. See 5 CFR Part 214.

Severe Shortage of Candidates

A severe shortage of candidates for a particular position or group of positions mean that an agency is unable to identify candidates possessing the competencies required to perform the job requirements despite extensive recruitment, extended announcement periods, and the use, as applicable, of hiring flexibilities such as recruitment and relocation incentives.


An observable competence to perform a learned psychomotor act.

Standing Inventory

An inventory of eligible competitors who are assigned a numerical rating and certified in score order by occupation, grade, location, etc. Standing inventories are effective when many recurring vacancies are anticipated over time.

Status Applicant

An applicant who has satisfied requirements for competitive status.

Status Employee

A current Federal employee who has competitive status.

Structured Interview

An assessment method in which candidate's job-related competencies/KSAs are evaluated using standard questions that are scored systematically using predetermined criteria or benchmarks for all interviews for a particular job. The benchmarks provide behaviorally-specific examples of what constitutes high, medium, and low levels of proficiency. In each structured interview, the applicant is asked the same questions in the same sequence, and his or her responses are scored according to the predetermined criteria or benchmarks.

Subject-Matter Expert (SME)

A person with bona fide expert knowledge about what it takes to do a particular job. First-level supervisors are normally good SMEs. Superior incumbents in the same or very similar positions and other individuals can also be used as SMEs if they have current and thorough knowledge of the job's requirements.

Surplus Employee

A current agency employee serving under an appointment in the competitive service, in tenure group I or II, who has received a Certification of Expected Separation or other official certification issued by the agency indicating that the position is surplus. (See 5 CFR Part 330)


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Temporary Appointment

A nonstatus appointment to a competitive service position for a specific time period not to exceed one year. (See 5 CFR Part 316)

Term Appointment

A nonstatus appointment to a position in the competitive service for a specific period of more than one year and lasting not more than four years. (See 5 CFR Part 316)


An evaluation of a candidate's job-related competencies/KSAs using a series of questions (e.g., true-false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and multiple choice) or exercises that are administered in a paper-and-pencil or computer format.

Test Administrator (TA)

A person trained and certified by OPM to administer OPM written tests. Only OPM-certified Test Administrators may administer OPM-developed written tests.

Test Security and Control Officer (TSCO)

A person who has been trained and certified in test security by OPM. A Test Security and Control Officer has overall responsibility for assuring that agency Test Administrators follow OPM guidance in administering OPM tests, and is also responsible for requesting, securing, and controlling test materials.


See "Rule of Three."

Transmutation Table

A mathematical table that is used to convert raw scores obtained by applicants to ratings between 70 and 100. (See Appendix H)


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A website that provides the public with comprehensive information regarding federal employment. Agencies must post their job vacancy announcements on USAJOBS as part of the public notice requirement.

USA Staffing

An automated examining system that was developed by OPM and is available to agencies on a reimbursable basis.


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The degree that the assessment tool measures the competencies/KSAs important for job performance, i.e., people who score higher on the assessment will do better on the job.

Veterans’ Preference

A special privilege that entitles qualifying veterans to certain advantages in consideration for federal employment.


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Well-qualified Employee

Under CTAP and ICTAP, an eligible employee whose competencies/KSAs clearly exceed the minimum qualification requirements for the position. (See 5 CFR Part 330)

Work Sample Assessment

An assessment method in which a candidate's job-related competencies/KSAs are evaluated based on work-specific activity or simulation of a work activity. A writing sample is an example of a work sample assessment.


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