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Career Information for Postdoctoral and Clinical Fellows

NIH Training and Resources

Felcom: The NIH Fellows Committee consists of representatives from each institute working to enhance the intramural training program, foster communication among fellows and the NIH community, and serve as a liaison to administration programs affecting the training experience. Representatives are selected for one year appointments based on elections and the recommendation of the ICD Scientific Director.

CSR Review Internship Program: 1-2-year training internship within the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) to biomedical and behavioral research scientists interested in careers in science administration.

NIH Virtual Job Fair and Career Guidance

NIH Postdoctoral Training: Includes NIH information and a list of current NIH postdoctoral openings

Jobs at NIH, a web-based employment information system where searches can be done for particular jobs. There is also help here in preparing your government application.

NIH Research and Training Opportunities website: information on all NIH research and training opportunities by NIH's institutes.

Other Resources

Science Online: Science magazine, career resources for scientists, job searches, meetings, graduate programs

Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty: Online Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) has written an online book that is based on presentations and discussions from a course developed by HHMI and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, this book is a collection of practical advice, experiences, and opinions from seasoned biomedical investigators and other professionals. Also contains an overview of the course and lessons learned.

The National Academies of Sciences Postdoc Homepage: links to universal types of postdoc information, such as issue discussion articles, publications, data, and career resources. A newsletter is also provided to update visitors with recent changes to the Web Guide.

National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) is a member-driven organization that provides a unique, national voice for postdoctoral scholars. We are also a collaborative organization that seeks to work with all stakeholders to improve the postdoctoral experience in the United States.

Information for foreign NIH scientists

The Division of International Services (DIS) provides immigration-related services to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for visiting foreign scientists and the NIH research community.


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This page was last modified in October 2008

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