Elevated Private Residence
Elevation Protects Homeowner

Roseville, CA - The City of Roseville and surrounding areas have experienced repetitive flooding in 1986, 1995 and 1997. These floods have caused significant damage to both public and private properties. Our homeowner was a victim of two of these events.

In 1986, floodwaters inundated his home with 3 feet of water and again in 1995, with 2.5 feet of water. Both floods required his family to evacuate as well as lose appliances, furniture, and irreplaceable personal items.

Additionally, he also is a small business owner. Because of the time necessary to stay with his family and home, he suffered several thousand dollars of business loss and was unable to respond to customer requests. His employees also lost salary due to business closure.

Following the flood of 1995, this homeowner made the decision to elevate his home. He followed recommendations of FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and received a portion of funds that were available to Placer County from FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).

Flooding occurred again in Jan. 1997. This time there was no damage to the living areas. The cost of elevating and the inconvenience to the family during the construction was recovered in many ways. His home has increased beyond market values.

As a small business owner, with his family and home protected, the need to spend time away from the business was eliminated. Additionally, his employees benefited because their jobs were protected.

Brief Locator

Placer County,


Quick Facts


$0.00 (Estimated)

Primary Activity/Project:
Elevation, Structural

Primary Funding:
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)