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Job Descriptions

Training Specialist

Position Series/number: Training Instruction Series, 1712
Grade Scale: GS-12 - 14

Job Description

Training Specialists at the NIH are responsible for developing the full competence of the NIH staff by participating in the development, evaluation, design and implementation of the training and staff development of programs. These positions frequently require substantial adaptations or extensions of available guides and established procedures or, in some instances, the development of new approaches, methods, or techniques for specific applications. The major duties of the Training Specialist may include serving as advisor to management in the planning, development, presentation, and evaluation of complex training and educational programs; analyzing requests for new training programs and changes to existing training programs and scheduling processes; analyzes each course within a proposed program to identify training facility, instructional, and other resource requirements for inclusion in the total program curriculum and identifying the effect or impact of all scheduling and resource allocation activities on the NIH.

Minimum Requirements

How to Apply

Check for open vacancies


This page was last reviewed on April 16, 2009.
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