The Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center Web site will help you find current, comprehensive Alzheimer's disease (AD) information and resources from the National Institute on Aging (NIA).
News & EventsThe Alzheimer’s Project premiers May 10-12
Watch The Alzheimer’s Project, a 4-part documentary and multi-media public health series co-presented by HBO and the National Institute on Aging. The films air May 10-12 on HBO, offered free by participating television service providers, and are also available free at Click here for more information on The Alzheimer’s Project, which also includes 15 additional short films, informational website, education and outreach, and more.
...more NIA News
Volunteers Needed for AD Research
RI Study Seeks Participants There’s something you can do today that may help treat Alzheimer’s disease tomorrow. Call the ADEAR Center at 1-800-438-4380 or click here for more information on the RI Study. |
The Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) is developing a nationwide information network to educate the public about AD research and upcoming clinical research studies. Click here for more information.
Search the AD Clinical Trials database for other studies.
...more Clinical Trials
View and order ADEAR publications. Most are FREE!
New series of updated, redesigned consumer fact sheets offer concise, topical information and resources:
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease Genetics
Alzheimer's Disease Medications
Legal and Financial Planning for People with Alzheimer's Disease
...more Publications
Page last updated
May 05, 2009