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FY 2009 Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP)


The FY 2009 IBSGP provides funding to create a sustainable program for the protection of intercity bus systems and the traveling public from terrorism. The program seeks to assist operators of fixed-route intercity and charter bus services in obtaining the resources required to support security measures such as enhanced planning, facility security upgrades, and vehicle and driver protection.

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Eligibility and Funding

Total Funding Available in FY 2009: $11,658,000

The only eligible grantees for the FY 2009 IBSGP are private operators providing fixed-route or charter transportation by an over-the-road bus servicing an Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) jurisdiction. Charter companies must make a minimum of 50 trips annually to one or more UASI jurisdictions. Companies with 250 or more over-the-road buses in operation and providing the highest volume of services to high-risk urban areas will be placed in Tier I. All other applicants that meet the minimum eligibility requirements will be placed in Tier II.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 08-Apr-2009 13:22:00 EDT