Prepare Your Pets For The Next Disaster 

Part VI of a series on Hurricane Preparedness in Florida

Release Date: June 21, 2006
Release Number: LTR-06-032

» More Information on Alabama Hurricane Dennis
» More Information on Mississippi Hurricane Dennis
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Katrina
» More Information on Louisiana Hurricane Katrina
» More Information on Texas Hurricane Rita
» More Information on Louisiana Hurricane Rita
» More Information on Mississippi Hurricane Katrina
» More Information on Alabama Hurricane Katrina
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Wilma
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Dennis

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ORLANDO, Fla. -- Disaster recovery officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Florida Long-Term Recovery Office and Florida's State Emergency Response Team (SERT) urge you to have a disaster plan for your pets in preparation for the new hurricane season.

"The destructive hurricanes of 2004 and 2005 underscored the importance of accounting for animal needs during major disasters," said Scott Morris, FEMA director for Florida Long-Term Recovery.

With hurricane season upon us, your pets need to be included in your family emergency plan.

"People must have a disaster plan that includes their pets," said Laura Bevan, southeast regional director for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). "Our best advice is if you evacuate, take your pet with you."

Bevan has been working with local governments and volunteer groups in establishing pet-friendly shelters. Many Florida counties have shelters where people can evacuate with their pets, including Broward, Marion and Orange. Bevan describes the shelters as having "people in one building and the animals close by in another part of the building and the people take care of their own pets."

To find out if there is a pet-friendly shelter in your area, call your county emergency management office or check the office's Web site. You should also contact your veterinarian or local humane society for information on preparing your pets for an emergency.

Before the Disaster:  Have a Safe Place to Take Your Pets

Plan your evacuation strategy and don't forget your pet!  If you plan to shelter your pet - work it into your evacuation route planning.

Prepare a portable disaster supply kit for your pet

Keep items in an accessible place and store them in sturdy containers that can be carried easily.

Know What to Do As a Disaster Approaches

You may not be home when the evacuation order comes. Find out if a trusted neighbor would be willing to take your pets and meet you at a prearranged location. This person should be comfortable with your pets, know where your animals are likely to be, know where your pet disaster supplies kit is kept, and have a key to your home. If you use a pet-sitting service, they may be available to help, but discuss the possibility well in advance.

Planning and preparation will enable you to evacuate with your pets quickly and safely. But bear in mind that animals react differently under stress. Outside your home and in the car, keep dogs securely leashed. Transport cats in carriers. Don't leave animals unattended anywhere they can run off. The most trustworthy pets may panic, hide, try to escape, or even bite or scratch. And, when you return home, give your pets time to settle back into their routines. Consult your veterinarian if any behavior problems persist.

Check out these Web sites for further information on disaster preparations for your pet:

FEMA manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 21-Jun-2006 14:27:53