National Institute on Aging > Research > Research Programs (Extramural) > Division of Neuroscience > Related Conferences, Workshops, and Meetings
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Cognitive Aging Summit

Image of brain with text: Cognitive Aging Summit, October 10-12, 2007, The Capital Hilton Hotel, 1001 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC. National Institute on Aging (logo): Made possible by the McKnight Brain Research Foundation through a generous grant to the Foundation of the National Institutes of Health. Logos for the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and Foundation for the National Insttitutes of Health.The Cognitive Aging Summit held in October 2007 brought together a range of experts in a variety of research fields to discuss the most cutting-edge advances in our understanding of age-related brain and behavioral changes. The goals and objectives of the conference were to assess the status of current scientific knowledge in normal aging and changes in cognition associated with the aging process; explore new avenues of potential research within the scientific community that could lead to the development of pharmacological and behavioral interventions; and, ultimately, to improved outcomes for the aging; and raise the level of awareness both within the scientific community and among the public about the importance of this area of research and its tremendous value to society. It is anticipated that recommendations for research directions will be coming soon as a result of the Summit, and that subsequent research will lead to practical recommendations and interventions for maintenance of cognitive health throughout life.

Contact Information

Dr. Molly Wagster, NNA

Page last updated Feb 19, 2009