National Institute on Aging > Research > Research Programs (Extramural) > Division of Neuroscience > Related Conferences, Workshops, and Meetings
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Bench to Bedside: Estrogen as a Case Study

There is considerable interest in finding risk and preventive factors for age-related and Alzheimer's disease-related cognitive decline. Modifiable risk and preventative factors have the potential to delay or prevent cognitive decline or disease. This workshop's focus was on the basic science, epidemiologic, and clinical trial data available on the use of estrogen in the aging female to examine what data are needed for the design of appropriate clinical trials on the use of sex steroids for the prevention of cognitive decline in aging women. This workshop convened scientists in the basic science, reproductive epidemiology, and clinical trials fields. Several NIA-supported investigators, NIA staff, and NIH/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services staff were in attendance. This workshop was cosponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, Office of Research on Women's Health, and the Alzheimer's Association.

Regional groups of workshop attendees formed an Extramural Working Group, and produced a meeting Summary and Conclusions.

Contact Information

Dr. Marilyn Miller, NNA

Page last updated Feb 19, 2009