National Institute on Aging > Grants & Training > Funding Opportunities > Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
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Checklist for New Applicants

The following is a checkoff list for applicants new to the Multimedia Technology Health Communication Small Business Innovation Research-Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR-STTR) grant program. All topics apply to the SBIR-STTR Phase I, Phase II, and Fast Track, unless specified for a specific grant in parentheses.

Checkbox                 Title and Abstract

Checkbox                 Objectives
Checkbox Scientific and technological
Checkbox Targeted outcome
Checkbox Phase I focus
Checkbox Phase II focus

Checkbox               Significance of Project

Checkbox               Summary of Literature Review and Implications

Checkbox               Product Review and Comparison (Phase II, Fast Track)

Checkbox               Description of Population

Checkbox  Sample Size (numbers, rather than percent)
Checkbox Gender, race, age specifics
Checkbox Community setting
Checkbox Sites of evaluation

Checkbox               Recruitment Methods
Checkbox Interviews, phone, letter, etc.
Checkbox Terms of recruitment (paid, voluntary)
Checkbox Assurance of confidentiality
Checkbox Benefits to participant (if any)
Checkbox Met minority/gender guidelines; if not, why
Checkbox Consent procedures (i.e., letter, phone, e-mail, etc.)

Checkbox               Detailed Design To Achieve Goals. Include a flow chart and tasks for Phase II and Fast Track grants:
Checkbox Developmental research
Checkbox Implementation research
Checkbox Efficacy evaluation
Checkbox    Data collection methods
Checkbox Description of focus groups, interviews, surveys, etc.
Checkbox Pre- and postevaluation components

Checkbox                Statistical Methods Used To Analyze Data (Phase II, Fast Track)

Checkbox                Evaluation Procedures
Checkbox Aim of control group
Checkbox Aim of experiment group
Checkbox Pre- and postevaluation components

Other Information To Include in Fast Track Applications

Checkbox        Describe briefly the company, its principle field(s) of interest,
            and current products

Checkbox        Describe briefly key technology objectives and/or
            advances anticipated from grant

Checkbox        Estimate markets and market share after 5 years of sales

Checkbox        List current competition and describe the advantages of the
            product or services over others
 acceptability, performance, efficiency, time,
            cost effectiveness, etc.)

Checkbox        Cite patent status or other intellectual property protection, if

Checkbox        Cite target dates and location for production or manufacturing

Checkbox        Describe briefly whether the product will be marketed or entered
            into a marketing agreement

Checkbox        Describe outside production or marketing resources; include
            letters of expressed interest in collaboration, codevelopment, or

Checkbox        Indicate how the product will impact public health and cite
            results from evaluation studies

Page last updated Feb 19, 2009