National Institute on Aging > About NIA > Budget Requests > FY 2006
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Budget Mechanism Tables


FY 2004 Actual
FY 2005 Appropriation
FY 2006 Estimate
Research Grants: No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount
Research Projects:            
Noncompeting 973 $493,907,000 1,090 $534,499,000 1,032 $519,544,000
Administrative supplements (103) 7,084,000 (103) 7,079,000 (103) 7,079,000
Renewal 77 58,106,000 69 48,369,000 78 54,678,000
New 336 106,979,000 280 91,151,000 312 101,454,000
Supplements 6 1,109,000 0 0 0 0
Subtotal, competing
419 166,194,000 349 139,520,000 390 156,132,000
Subtotal, RPGs
1,392 667,185,000 1,439 681,098,000 1,422 682,755,000
SBIR/STTR 87 24,535,000 87 24,927,000 87 24,927,000
Subtotal, RPGs
1,479 691,720,000 1,526 706,025,000 1,509 707,682,000
Research Centers:            
Specialized/comprehensive 76 83,330,000 76 86,615,000 76 86,784,000
Clinical research 0 0 0 0 0 0
Biotechnology 1 428,000 0 0 1 928,000
Comparative medicine 0 0 0 0 0 0
Research Centers in Minority Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal, Centers
77 83,758,000 76 86,615,000 77 87,712,000
Other Research:        
Research careers 194 25,213,000 204 25,601,000 206 26,017,000
Cancer education 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cooperative clinical research 3 1,728,000 2 993,000 2 993,000
Biomedical research support 0 19,000 0 25,000 0 28,000
Minority biomedical research support 0 1,338,000 0 1,365,000 0 1,365,000
Other 29 3,908,000 28 4,225,000 28 4,398,000
Subtotal, Other Research
226 32,206,000 234 32,209,000 236 32,801,000
Total Research Grants
1,782 807,684,000 1,836 824,849,000 1,822 828,195,000
  FTTPs   FTTPs   FTTPs  
Research Training:            
Individual awards 62 2,610,000 62 2,717,000 61 2,717,000
Institutional awards 488 21,132,000 481 21,666,000 480 21,666,000
Total, Training
550 23,742,000 543 24,383,000 541 24,383,000
Research & development contracts 132 56,797,000 132 61,576,000 133 62,197,000
(SBIR/STTR) (0) (49,000) (0) (52,000) (0) (0)
  FTEs FTEs   FTEs  
Intramural research 261 99,962,000 261 103,491,000 261 104,548,000
Research management and support 115 36,413,000 118 37,691,000 118 37,880,000
Cancer prevention & control 0 0 0 0 0 0
Construction   0   0   0
Buildings and Facilities   0   0   0
Total, NIA
376 1,024,598,000 379 1,051,990,000 379 1,057,203,000
(RoadMap Support)   (3,519,000)   (6,651,000) (9,454,000)
(Clinical Trials)   (76,085,000)   (78,139,000) (78,530,000)

Page last updated Feb 19, 2009