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In Vitro Test Methods for Detecting Ocular Corrosives and Severe Irritants

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OECD Test Guideline Proposals

In October 2007, ICCVAM forwarded its first recommendations for the use of in vitro methods for ocular safety testing to Federal agencies. ICCVAM recommended that two methods, the Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test method and the Isolated Chicken Eye (ICE) test method, can be used in a tiered testing strategy to determine ocular hazards, with specific limitations for certain chemical classes and/or physical properties. The ICCVAM recommendations were accepted by the Federal agencies in June 2008, and the two in vitro test methods may now be used instead of conventional tests for certain regulatory testing purposes.

A validated test method can achieve acceptance on the international level when it is included in a test guideline developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). To maximize the potential impact of these approved test methods on reducing animal use, NICEATM and the ICCVAM Ocular Toxicity Working Group (OTWG) prepared draft OECD Test Guidelines for the BCOP and ICE test methods. The draft Test Guidelines were forwarded to the U.S. National Coordinator to the OECD Test Guidelines Programme, and were approved by the National Coordinators at their meeting in March 2009. The acceptance of these two test guidelines in less than one year is notable, as this process typically requires several years. The rapid acceptance of the test guidelines was due in part to the comprehensive NICEATM-ICCVAM evaluation; key contributors to this effort were the members of the OTWG, which includes scientists from FDA, EPA, CPSC, DOD, DOT, NIEHS, and OSHA.

Formal adoption of these methods by OECD, expected in summer 2009, will allow them to be used in the other 29 OECD member countries, which include Japan, Canada and most countries in the European Union. There is considerable interest in these methods in Europe due to the impending 2009 ban by the EU on the use of animals for testing cosmetic ingredients and the EU chemicals legislation, REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances), which may require testing of thousands of existing chemicals.

NIH Press Release (June 23, 2008): Newly Approved Ocular Safety Methods Reduce Animal Testing [PDF]
View press release on NIH Website

View more information about the OECD Test Guidelines Programme (on OECD website)

Advancing Public Health and Animal Welfare