How to request NIGC Technical Assistance Training
In order for the NIGC to provide technical assistance training to tribes to ensure compliance with IGRA and to improve the functioning of their gaming operations and regulatory authorities, it is important to know the needs of the tribes. You can check in the NIGC Catalog to find courses provided by the NIGC to assist you with your technical assistance needs.

Contact your Regional Director to request technical assistance training.  Send your request for technical assistance training to  All technical assistance training request should include the following:

Name of Tribe:
Name and title of requestor:
Contact information:
Phone number:
E-mail address:
Gaming Operation:
Date(s) and time for training:
Location for training:
Number of days needed for training:
Course title and number from training catalog requested:
Who will attend including title (i.e. regulators, newly appointed commissioners, etc.):
Attendees length of service in current position:
Number of persons wishing to attend the training:

1441 L. Street NW Suite 9100, Washington DC 20005   Tel.: (202) 632-7003   Fax: (202) 632-7066    Email: