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New Direction for Protein Structure Initiative Includes New Bioinformatics Opportunities
February 20, 2009 • BioInform

NIGMS will launch PSI:Biology to support research partnerships between biologists and high-throughput structure determination centers to solve biological problems with knowledge gained from earlier PSI efforts.

Structural Proteomics: The Relentless Pursuit of Protein Shape
August 1, 2008 • Science

Advances led by PSI-supported scientists have had a major technological impact on structural genomics efforts. 

My Own Private Synchrotron
May 1, 2006 • The Scientist

Researchers supported by the PSI and the NIGMS Small Business Innovation Research Program have developed a miniature synchrotron that could transform many fields of biomedical research.

Together at Last: Crystallography and NMR
January 31, 2006 • Nature Methods

Two papers show that X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can serve complementary roles in the determination of protein structures.

The Protein Structure Initiative, Five Years Later
October 24, 2005 • The Scientist

NIGMS Director Jeremy M. Berg and PSI Director John Norvell highlight the technical achievements made during the PSI pilot phase and goals for the current PSI production phase.

Structural Genomics, Round 2
March 11, 2005 • Science

As NIH plans to extend its high-speed structural biology program for another 5 years, researchers remain divided on how best to allocate its shrinking budget.

A Dearth of New Folds
March 11, 2005 • Science

The Protein Structure Initiative has already come up with one surprise: Proteins apparently come in a limited variety of shapes.

Big Science Wallflower No More
January 1, 2004 • Genomics & Proteomics

This page last updated November 7, 2008