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NCI Sample Set Credits (GAP-JAPAN)

NCI Clinical Trials Cooperative Groups sample sets:

Studies 1. and 2. are supported by the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) award (Richard L. Schilsky, MD, Chair). The breast cancer pharmacogenetic study is CALGB 60202 and its parent protocol is CALGB 40101 (Larry Shulman, PI).  Margaret Mooney is the NCI official responsible for these studies within the Cancer therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP).

1.  “Pancreatic cancer trial with gemcitabine and bevacizumab” (Drs. F. Innocenti, N. Cox, K. Owzar, H. Kindler, K. Giacomini, H. McLeod, M. Ratain, with Dr. T. Nakmura); approximate number of samples = 374 initially

2. "Genome Wide SNP Scan of Germline DNA for Identification of Genetic Predictors of Doxorubicin-Induced Neutropenia and Paclitaxel-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy" (Drs. D. Kroetz, E. Jorgenson, K. Owzar, J. Witte, L. Shulman, H. McLeod, M. Ratain with Dr. H. Zembutsu); approximate number of samples = 1940 initially

Study 3. is supported by the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group (NCIC CTG) award (Joseph L. Pater, M.D., Director)  The PGRN-RIKEN project is under protocol MA.27.  Jo Anne Zujewski is the NCI official responsible for breast studies within the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP).

3.  Aromatase inhibitors (Drs. J. Ingle, V. Stearns, R. Weinshilboum, D. Flockhart, with Dr. T. Mushiroda); approximate number of samples = 1000 initially 
National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group (NCIC CTG)
Paul Goss (Study Chair of MA.27 at Harvard-Massachusetts General Hospital)
Joe Pater (Physician Coordinator for MA.27 and immediate past Director of NCIC CTG)
Judy-Anne Chapman (statistician for MA.27)
Kathy Pritchard (Chair of the NCIC CTG Breast Committee)
Cathy Elliott (assistant to Dr. Pater in this project)

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This page last updated April 22, 2009