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Media Mentions

Expert on Flu's Spread Says New Strain Here to Stay
April 28, 2009 • CNN

MIDAS-supported researcher Ira Longini talks about his efforts to simulate hypothetical influenzas and study how they might spread.

Jeremy Berg on Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study
July 23, 2008 • Voice of America

In this on-camera interview, the NIGMS Director answers questions about MIDAS and its projects focused on pandemic flu. 

Computational Biology Catches the Flu
July 1, 2008 • Biomedical Computation Review

MIDAS-supported researchers describe their efforts to model the spread of a potential pandemic flu. 

Family Quarantine is a Key to Fighting Bird Flu, Study Says
April 26, 2006 • National Geographic News

Results from the latest NIGMS-supported pandemic flu modeling project, which simulates outbreaks in the United States.

This page last updated April 30, 2009