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Last updated: May 05, 2009

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Loc Tran, MSCS.

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Loc Tran, MSCS. National Library of Medicine
Communications Engineering Branch/MSC 3824
Bldg. 38A, Room 10S1011H
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894 USA

(301) 435-3229 (voice)
(301) 402-0341 (fax)


Loc Tran is a Senior Software Systems Analyst for the Management Systems Designers Inc. His interests concentrate in the areas of development and integration under Windows environment using Visual C++ and Object Oriented methodology with Client/Server, Relational Database and Networking. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from George Mason University.

Mr. Tran is experienced in various areas: Client/Server programming analyst with Visual C++, Visual Basic, OOD, GUI and Web Page designs, Oracle Server, MS-SQL Server and Networking in Windows NT environment. He also has an "Oracle 8i DBA & Developer" Certificate from Oracle Corp.

Mr. Tran has been with the National Library of Medicine since July 1999. He is a programmer analyst for MARS II and WebMARS Systems.

Current Projects

WebMARS/WebMARS-SpinOff: The CEB has developed an automated system, called Web Based Medical Article Record System (WebMARS), to produce bibliographic records for its MEDLINEâ database from full text versions of HTML (PDF) format online journal articles. The WebMARS employs document image analysis and understanding techniques, and DOM technology to complement existing MARS. I am responsible for developing a module called Article Downloading. The Article Downloading is to capture the HTML, PDF directly from IE or Acrobat Reader, respectively from the URL returned from e-utilities. It then removes multiple frames, iframes, JavaScripts and updates images’ URLs.

WAIS: The WebMARS Assisted Indexing System is to assist the indexers search for terms in an article that corresponds to biomedical terms in a predefined list. WAIS will automatically search through the text and highlight these terms for the indexers to simply confirm and select, thereby reducing manual effort. WAIS will be integrated with PDRS (Publisher Data Review System.)

MARSII: The CEB has developed an automated system to produce bibliographic records for its MEDLINE® database from hard-copy medical journals. This system, named Medical Article Record System (MARS), employs document image analysis and understanding techniques and optical character recognition (OCR). The system is composed of eleven modules. I am responsible for developing and maintaining two tool applications called Label Browser and Admin. The Label Browser module helps developers to analyze the data extracted from the document images. Admin module is to help system administrators to analyze the errors and control workflow of the system.


National Institutes of Health (NIH)National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20892

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and Human Services

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