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Training Opportunities for Special Populations

NIA participates in NIH-wide programs to increase diversity in the research workforce, supplements these programs with NIA-specific initiatives that target particular stages of research training, and co-funds initiatives with the same overall goals offered by the National Institute for General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). The goals of these programs are to improve the diversity of the research workforce by increasing the numbers of trained researchers from underrepresented groups who become leaders in their research field. NIH, including NIA, expects these efforts to improve the recruitment of the most talented researchers in all groups, to improve the quality of the broader educational and training environment, to lead to more inclusive research priority-setting, to improve researchers’ capacity to recruit research participants from all sectors of the community and to improve the capacity of research to address and eliminate health disparities.

The Minority Aging Newsletter, a publication by NIA, is issued biannually. It often contains information about training opportunities in the Institute.

Page last updated Feb 19, 2009