Institutional Biosafety Committees
  Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs) are the cornerstone of institutional oversight of recombinant DNA research. The following information and resources are provided to help IBCs perform this critical role, as well as to inform others about the roles and responsibilities of these important committees.  
   Key Definitions and Acronyms  
   Frequently Asked Questions  
   Guidance Documents  
   Institutional Compliance Reminder  (December 6, 2004)  
   Guidance on Minutes of Institutional Biosafety Committee Meetings  (May 14, 2004)  
   Additional Guidance on the Content of Minutes of Institutional Biosafety Committee Meetings  (February 23, 2007)  
   Major Actions Requiring NIH Director Approval  (March 21, 2008)  
   Workshops, Safety Symposia and Policy Conferences  
   Links of Interest to IBCs  
   Subscribe to OBA News  
  If you have questions about OBA's activities, interpretations of the NIH Guidelines, upcoming meetings, or related matters, do not hesitate to contact OBA staff by email at, or by phone at 301-496-9838.  

6705 Rockledge Drive, Suite 750, MSC 7985
Bethesda, MD 20892-7985 (For all non-USPS mail, please use ZIP code 20817)
Phone: 301-496-9838, Fax: 301-496-9839
E-mail OBA at