SIS News Archive


New version of the Drug Information Portal released

The The Drug Information Portal now covers over 16,000 drugs. Other recent changes include:

  • Direct searching of drug categories, which are derived from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH®) Pharmacological Action field
  • Name and category suggestions, to eliminate common spelling errors
  • Phrase parser that assists users in finding drug names within phrases
  • The addition of the MeSH notes, when available, to spell checker results to make selection of a possible answer easier
  • Searches retrieving multiple results now sorted by frequency of citation in PubMed®, from highest to lowest. This tends to show the most commonly used drugs first. (10/31/2008)
Haz-Map has been updated.

The latest Haz-Map update includes 180 new chemical profiles, submitted by the United States Department of Labor. (10/6/2008)

Household Products Database Updated

The Household Products Database was recently updated and now contains:

  • 8152 products
  • 375 manufacturers
  • 1634 products link to complete MSDS (10/1/2008)
Improved user interface, updated mortality data, and addition of hospital locations in TOXMAP

TOXMAP now includes several interface improvements, updated mortality data (2001-2005), and names and locations of hospitals when the map is zoomed to the most detailed level.

Other recent changes include

  • Ability to view TRI facilities reporting releases in a particular TRI year, similar to TRI chemical releases
  • Inclusion of links to TRI state fact sheets from EPA
  • Ability to zoom to US national parks via “Zoom to a Place”
  • Ability to toggle on and off the “auto-zoom” behavior in the main Search page
  • PubMed RSS feed
  • Section 508 compliance improvements (10/1/2008)

Illustrated glossary and a Spanish home page for ToxMystery

ToxMystery, the National Library of Medicine's interactive learning site for kids has added a Spanish home page. This URL lets users start the game in Spanish without clicking on the language tab from the English site. Gamers can still move between Spanish and English as Toxie the Cat helps them explore the site's “house of hazards.” An illustrated glossary of the words used in ToxMystery was also added to the Teacher's Resource page. The glossary is available in Spanish from the “Para maestros” section. (7/14/2008)

New Enviro-Health Link page on Disaster Recovery and Environmental Health

This new web bibliography brings together resources on recovering from a disaster whether natural or manmade. Among the resources are guides for state and local officials, links to state emergency management offices, information for emergency responders, guidelines for workers involved in environmental cleanup and handling hazardous chemicals. (6/11/2008)

NLM Aids Federal Effort to Distribute Revised Hazmat Guidebooks to Emergency First Responders

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that it is granting emergency responders electronic access to the Emergency Response Guidebook 2008 (ERG2008), through laptops and personal digital assistants (PDAs), under a joint effort between DOT's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and the National Library of Medicine (NLM. This new hazmat safety guide for police, fire and other emergency response organizations is designed to aid emergency response personnel who may be the first to arrive at the scene of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials. The NLM-developed software application and NLM's Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER) software are stand-alone applications for Pocket PCs, PDAs, and Windows-based laptop computers. This joint effort keeps pace with the advance of portable personal technology and fulfills the request of a number of emergency responders for an electronic-based ERG. DOT is also distributing nearly 1.75 million print copies of the ERG. (5/07/2008)

New Enviro-Health Link page on Mercury and Human Health

Mercury's effects on health are a common concern. This new web bibliography, Mercury and Human Health, includes links to sites about mercury reduction, occupational exposure, compact fluorescent light bulbs, mercury in health care, and regulations and state legislation. (4/17/08)

TRI 2006 Released

The new TRI 2006 release contains 87,870 records. TRI87-2006 now has 1,738,086 records. There were two changes to reporting requirements for the 2006 data. Facilities were required to submit appropriate North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes rather than the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes previously used. To do trends analysis, EPA assigned NAICS codes to prior years' data, so now both SIC codes and NAICS codes are searchable on TOXNET. EPA also expanded Form A eligibility to include PBT chemicals in 2006. (4/17/08)

TOXMAP: Now Includes TRI 2006, Updated Health Data

TOXMAP now includes the 2006 Toxics Release Inventory data (TRI). (4/17/08)

Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC) Launched

The DIMRC web site provides access to quality disaster health information at all stages of preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery. Initially, the site will focus on NLM and NLM-supported resources and activities. It will then expand to include other sources of authoritative disaster health information.

DIMRC collects, organizes, and disseminates health information for natural, accidental, or deliberate disasters.  The Center is committed to providing this information as part of the federal effort to help prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the adverse health effects of disasters. It will work with federal, state, and local government, private organizations, and local communities. (4/03/2008)

Drug Information Portal Released

The NLM Drug Information Portal gives the public, healthcare professionals, and researchers a gateway to current, accurate and understandable drug information from the National Library of Medicine and other key government agencies.

More than 15,000 drug records are available for searching. The search interface is straightforward, requiring only a drug name as a search term, and successful searching is enhanced by the assistance of a spellchecker. The Drug Information Portal offers a varied selection of resources and focused topics in medicine and drug-related information, with links to individual resources with potential drug information and summaries tailored to various audiences. General drug categories from MeSH are also included in the Drug Portal records. (2/13/2008)

TOXMAP: New Health Data, Roads

TOXMAP now contains updated cancer and other mortality data. TOXMAP also now shows more detailed roads at a variety of map scales. (Roads and other reference data can be hidden from maps via the “Other Data” subtab.)

Other recent changes include:

  • Facility details include latitude/longitude and links to Google Maps
  • Redesigned Search and Set Region pages
  • Added “go to” page number for search results
  • Added aggregate release data values in downloadable TRI facility data
  • Added HTML Site Map; Added Income 2003 demographic layer
  • Added ability to link directly to site details (all map types). (2/12/08)
Special Populations: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

A new Web page, Special Populations: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness, is available on the Specialized Information Services (SIS) Web site. The page provides relevant information regarding the needs of special population groups in planning and preparation before, and response and recovery after disasters and emergencies. It was created after natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires, diseases such as SARS and West Nile Virus, and the terrorist attacks of 9/11 illustrated the need to ensure widespread access to knowledge about populations with unique needs in these emergencies. The population groups addressed include the mentally and physically disabled, senior citizens, minority, ethnic and language groups, women and children and others whose situations require different or specialized measures be taken in disaster preparedness and recovery. Also includes links to information in languages other than English. (2/2/2008)

Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB)

CPDB, the Carcinogenic Potency Database, was developed by the Carcinogenic Potency Project at the University of California, Berkeley, and by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It reports analyses of animal cancer tests on 1547 chemicals. Results for each chemical are now searchable via TOXNET.

CPDB includes 6540 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests (both positive and negative for carcinogenicity) from the general published literature as well as from the National Cancer Institute and the National Toxicology Program. Such tests are used in support of cancer risk assessments for humans. Information that is important in the interpretation of bioassays is reported in CPDB for each experiment.

Users can search for results on each chemical in TOXNET via chemical name or name fragment, or by Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (RN). Results include a summary for each sex-species tested, including carcinogenicity, target organs, and carcinogenic potency values. Detailed results from each experiment on the particular chemical are given in a plot format suitable for screen viewing. Chemical structure, InChI, and SMILES codes are reported. (1/10/08)


New Enviro-Health Link on the California Wildfires released

The California Wildfires Enviro-Health Link includes information on the health effects from fires and exposure to smoke; links to air quality resources, environmental clean-up following fires, and animals in disasters. In addition, resources for emergency responders and information in Spanish are also included. Searches of NLM databases, such as MedlinePlus, PubMed, TOXLINE, Tox Town, Haz-Map and TOXMAP are provided for additional health information. This web page is designed to help the emergency responders, health care providers, public health workers, and the general public find authoritative and timely information about key health concerns from wildfires. (10/24/07)

Dietary Supplements Labels Database released

The National Library of Medicine has released a new resource focused on dietary supplements. The Dietary Supplements Labels Database includes information from the labels of over 2,000 brands of dietary supplements in the marketplace, including vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and other specialty supplements.

The database is designed to help both the general public and health care providers find information about ingredients in brand-name products, including name, form, active and inactive ingredients, amount of active ingredient/unit, manufacturer/distributor information, suggested dose, label claims, warnings, percentage of daily value, and further label information.

Links to other NLM resources, such as MedlinePlus and PubMed, are provided for additional health information. In addition, links to related Fact Sheets from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) are also available. (10/24/07)

WISER for Smartphone is now available

WISER is now supported on Windows Mobile Smartphones, which consist of Windows Mobile devices that do not have a touch screen (do not use a stylus). (Note that Windows Mobile phones with a touch screen are already supported by WISER for Pocket PC.) The new WISER for Smartphone release is functionally equivalent to ourPocket PC version of WISER, and can be downloaded from

Please be sure to read the system requirements and installation instructions that are in the README, which is linked to on the download page and included in the installation. Some users may run into storage space limitations when installing WISER for Smartphone; procedures for resolving such issues are included in the README. (10/22/07)

Toxie the Cat can now speak Spanish/ Toxie the Cat ahora habla español

Toxie, the ToxMystery guide cat, has gone back to school and can now speak Spanish. By selecting the Espanol or English tab on the upper right of the home page,ToxMystery gamers can move between Spanish and English as they explore the site's "house of hazards."

ToxMystery en español's "Para los padres" (For Parents) page gives parents more detailed information about potential household hazards. The teachers' "Para maestros" page has lesson plans and downloadable classroom activity pages in Spanish. ToxMystery can be used in science and health classes.

Come play with Toxie and see if you can find the hazards in English and en español! (10/01/07)

New version of TOXMAP Released

This version includes:

  • More search options: Users can now search TOXMAP by Chemical Abstracts Service/Registry Number (CAS/RN), Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) facility name/ID, release medium, release year ranges, release amount, Superfund (NPL) site name/ID, and Hazard Ranking System (HRS) score.
  • Geographic regions: Users can create their own geographic region, or select a pre-defined region from a menu. Setting a geographic region limits search results to those inside the specified region. Regions can be saved for future access.
  • Regional TRI summary tables: Users can view summary (aggregate) TRI release amounts for their geographic region.
  • Updated and expanded glossary and FAQs. (8/30/07)
New Enviro-Health Link on the Hazards of Arts and Crafts Materials

Keeping the Artist Safe: Hazards of Arts and Crafts Materials is the latest addition to the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Enviro-Health Links web bibliographies. Artists, craftspeople, and hobbyists use potentially hazardous substances. Learn more about the hazards and how to protect yourself from unnecessary exposures. (7/31/07)

Vera Hudson

Vera Hudson, long time staff member of NLM’s Specialized Information Services Division, died June 20, 2007. Ms. Hudson had worked at SIS for 24 years. As an information specialist, she helped to define and evaluate the effects of toxic chemicals. From 1975 to 1983, she worked for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and focused on the effects of occupational chemical exposure. She also worked on the development and maintenance of the institute's registry of toxic effects of chemical substances. She was a 1958 biology graduate of the American University of Beirut and received a master's degree in physiology from the University of Kansas at Lawrence in 1960. If you need to contact someone about one of Ms. Hudson’s projects, send email to (6/28/07)

Version 3.0 of WISER released

Version 3.0 includes:

  • Radiological support, including data for 20 isotope substances and a general "ionizing radiation" substance, and tools/reference materials for radiological incidents
  • An ERG 2004 Tool, comprising the complete ERG with powerful search capabilities
  • Improved, more powerful search capability of the substance list, including wildcarding
  • Substance categories support: view all substances, just chemicals, just radioisotopes, or filter by substance categories such as the classes/divisions of the Hazard Classification System. Identify unknown substances, and group the results list, by substance categories
  • 9 new user-requested chemical substances, and incorporation of the latest Hazardous Substance Data Bank updates
  • Protective Distance substance data menu option now includes the "Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances" data from the ERG 2004 (5/29/07)
New Look for ChemIDplus

A colorful new banner serves to prominently highlight useful links to site information in ChemIDplus Lite and Advanced and offers one-click access to NLM and SIS homepages. The News link offers information regarding the latest updates and enhancements for both versions of ChemIDplus. An additional new feature is the Structure Salt/Parent Search button, which gives quick access to salts and hydrates of a parent record.

InChI and SMILES now available

Structure descriptors have been added to ChemIDplus Lite and Advanced. The structure descriptors include the InChI and SMILES notation. Recently developed by the IUPAC, InChI is the acronym for International Chemical Identifier. Likewise, SMILES is the acronym for Simple Molecular Input Line Entry System. Both structure descriptors can be accessed from the search results page. By selecting either the Full Record or the Structure button, this information can be viewed directly below the structure image. InChI and SMILES notation appear in over 270,000 records.

New Locators

New database locators offer another dimension to information resources provided by ChemIDplus. Recently added ChemIDplus locators include:

  • DailyMed - Vehicle for access to the labels as well as to other sources and types of information about medications
  • DrugDigest - A noncommercial, evidence-based, consumer health and drug information site.
  • Drugs@FDA - A website where you can search for official information about United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved brand name and generic drugs.
  • EPA HPVIS - EPA’s High Production Volume Information System (HPVIS) provides access to select health and environmental effect information on chemicals that are manufactured in exceptionally large amounts.
  • EPA PPIS - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Pesticide Product Information System (PPIS) contains information concerning all pesticide products registered in the United States.
  • LactMed - A database of drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed
  • PubChem - Provides information on the biological activities of small molecules.
  • - Official information and services from the U.S. government related to your ChemIDplus search
  • WebWISER - A Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER) designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. Originally developed for the Palm PDA based on Hazardous Substance Databank (HSDB) data, WebWISER provides WISER information in a database on the web. (4/23/2007)
MedlinePlus Locator for ChemIDplus records

The MedlinePlus locator now has two options, MedlinePlusAll and MedlinePlusDrug. MedlinePlusAll links to all information related to the ChemIDplus record available in MedlinePlus. MedlinePlusDrug links to the specific drug information related to the ChemIDplus record. (March 2007)


DIRLINE (Directory of Health Organizations) now offers an A to Z list of 8,500+ organizations concerned with health and biomedicine. (3/16/07)

LactMed Updated

The National Library of Medicine's Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) has added 51 substances, including 14 topical antibacterial and antifungal agents, 13 X-ray and 8 MRI contrast agents, 8 acne/skin care agents, and 8 other drugs. 36 records have been updated. More specific information about this update can be found at the LactMed 3/2007 listing. (3/27/07)

TRI2005 Released

TRI2005 was released to the public on TOXNET on March 23, 2007. The new release contains 89,325 records. (3/26/07)

Haz-Map Updated

Haz-Map has been updated. 226 new agents in the categories of metals, solvents, pesticides, mineral dusts, toxic gases and vapors, plastics and rubber, nitrogen compounds, and other compounds were added. (3/26/07)

HHS Launches New Online Portal for Medical Responses to Radiation Emergencies

On March 8 HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt announced the Department of Health and Human Services had developed its first comprehensive web portal to assist health care providers, primarily physicians, who may have to provide medical care during a radiation mass casualty incident. The new portal, Radiation Event Medical Management (REMM), provides easy to follow algorithms for diagnosis and management of radiation contamination and exposure, guidance for the use of radiation countermeasures, and a variety of other features to facilitate medical responses.

Critical information is presented in a format that will quickly and efficiently orient and guide health care providers during a potential mass casualty radiation event. Federal, state and local medical response teams will be able to download REMM files to laptop computers so the documents will be available without internet access. Users can also register for automatic e-mail updates whenever key material is changed or added to the REMM toolkit. (3/9/07)

New Look for TOXNET Search Results Page

The Search All TOXNET Databases Results page has a new look. References from TOXLINE (Toxicology Literature Online) and DART (Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology) are displayed first, followed by records from the other TOXNET databases (Chemical, Toxicological, and Environmental Health data). For each database, the database abbreviation, full name, and number of records found are displayed. Click on any database to go to its results page. (2/20/07)

From Ship to Shore…

Tox Town’s New Port Scene Delivers the Goods on Coastal Environmental Health What do longshoremen, sunbathers, ship crews, and shrimp lovers have in common? Whether they live on the coast, work in a maritime industry or play on the beach, they can find information about the environment and how it might affect their health at Tox Town’s new Port neighborhood. This imaginary port illustrates drinking water and air quality concerns along with wastewater treatment, shellfish safety, work hazards, sun and surf safety, aquaculture and many other topics. The port also highlights possible locations and descriptions of 26 hazardous chemicals. (1/25/07)


WISER (2.3) is now available for download
  • Data updated to reflect the latest content of NLM’s Hazardous Substance Data Bank (HSDB)
  • New data item: Ionization Potential (see Physical Properties data menu)
  • New data item: EPA’s Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGL) (see Medical data menu)
  • New substances requested by users: Acrylic Acid and Ethyl Methyl Ether
  • Improved presentation of ERG 2004 guide pages (not yet on Palm OS)
  • Updated and improved NFPA 704 data
  • Improved NFPA 704 presentation, including placard displays (not yet on Palm OS)
  • Searching and grouping by NFPA 704 hazards in “Help Identify” is now available on the Pocket PC (as well as WISER for Windows and WebWISER)
  • Support for non-standard Pocket PC screen sizes and orientations
  • Event Tracking (logging) added to WISER for Windows and Pocket PC (see the User’s Guide) (12/01/06)
TOXMAP has improved location data

The EPA recently released updated and more accurate TRI location data from its Facility Registry System (FRS). TOXMAP has incorporated these changes, which correct many TRI location inaccuracies in the FRS. Such corrections will continue to be incorporated into TOXMAP as they become available. (11/17/06)

HSDB Ionizing Radiation Series

A record for ionizing radiation and a series of specific radionuclide records have been added to NLM's Hazardous Substances Data Bank/HSDB. (11/02/06)

ToxMystery: A new interactive learning site for young kids

ToxMystery is the National Library of Medicine's new, interactive learning site for 7-10 year old kids. It provides a fun, game-like experience while introducing potential environmental health hazards sometimes found in the home. (10/03/06)

New Enviro-Health Link on Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements is the latest addition to the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Enviro-Health Links. The page links to information on dietary supplements plus vitamins and minerals, as well as herbs, botanicals and other substances. It covers research, use, databases, and law and policy. (9/25/06)

New look for TOXMAP

TOXMAP's maps now have a more accurate appearance. For more information on how maps are drawn, see our FAQ

Other new TOXMAP features include:
  • TRI releases summary table for each TRI facility showing all years and chemicals in table format;
  • Larger default maps (with the option for small maps);
  • Enhanced homepage map;
  • Auto-completion of chemical names in text entry fields (like Quick Search);
  • A "For Teachers" page that includes a downloadable sample assignment. (8/9/2006)
New version of the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) TOXLINE

A new version of the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) TOXLINE will be released on Tuesday, July 18, 2006. Search results from the two parts of TOXLINE will be now be merged. This will allow all results to be relevancy ranked in the same way, with results displayed in only one window. A similar merged interface will be provided for the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology/Environmental Teratology Information Center (DART®/ETIC) database in the Fall.

Citations from PubMed will directly link back to PubMed for convenience in using their related records, LinkOut, and document ordering functions. (7/18/2006)

WISER version 2.2 is now available for download The highlights of this release include:
  • Updated data that continues to fill data holes and provides miscellaneous improvements.
  • 15 new substances, including all that have been suggested by users.
  • The Help Identify feature of WISER for Windows now allows searching by NFPA 704 placard.
    This feature will also be coming soon in the PDA and WebWISER applications, and will include
    more comprehensive data. (4/27/2006)
TRI2004 Released

TRI2004 was released to the public on TOXNET on April 12, 2006. The new release contains 89,653 records. (4/12/06)

LactMed: A New Database on Drugs and Lactation from the National Library of Medicine

LactMed, a free online database with information on drugs and lactation, is one of the newest additions to the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) TOXNET system, a Web-based collection of resources covering toxicology, chemical safety, and environmental health. Geared to the healthcare practitioner and nursing mother, LactMed contains over 450 drug records. It includes information such as maternal levels in breast milk, infant levels in blood, potential effects in breastfeeding infants and on lactation itself, the American Academy of Pediatrics category indicating the level of compatibility of the drug with breastfeeding, and alternate drugs to consider. References are included, as is nomenclature information, such as the drug’s Chemical Abstract Service’s (CAS) Registry number and its broad drug class.

LactMed was developed by pharmacist who is an expert in this subject area. Three other recognized authorities serve as the database’s scientific review panel. Ancillary resources, such as a glossary of terms related to drugs and lactation, and breastfeeding links are also offered. LactMed can be searched together with TOXNET’s other databases in a multi-database environment, to obtain other relevant information about drugs. As a work in progress, LactMed will continue to expand with additional drugs and be enhanced with other substances, such as industrial chemicals and radiation. (4/11/06)

TOXMAP adds new chemical and health data

New chemical and health-related data has been added to the interactive mapping site, TOXMAP.

TOXMAP helps users explore the geographic distribution of certain chemical releases, their relative amounts, and their trends over time. This release data comes from industrial facilities around the United States, as reported annually to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Now, users can also use TOXMAP to find information about Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund sites and substances. The Superfund program is part of a federal government effort to clean up land in the United States that has been contaminated by hazardous waste and identified by the EPA as a candidate for cleanup because it poses a risk to human health and/or to the environment.

TOXMAP has also added mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), as well as age and gender data from the US Census, and income data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

More information about TOXMAP can be found at the fact sheet. (03/1/2006)

New structure searching features in ChemIDplus

ChemIDplus has added new structure searching features to its Advanced search page recently. The “Exact (parent only)” feature searches for exactly what is drawn or transferred to the structure box.

The new features called “Flex” and “Flexplus” allow searching for records which contain a parent structure plus additional components. These components may be salts, hydrates, or mixtures with other chemicals. The new features will take the input structure and find records where it is mixed with other compounds. An example would be the drug named “Aleve” which is the soluble sodium salt of naproxen. If the structure of “Aleve” is transferred by the appropriate button to the structure box, The Exact search retrieves one record. If the Flex search is chosen and searched, the system will retrieve the parent naproxen record, as well as seven other salts and mixtures of naproxen for a total of nine records. Most of these would be of interest in a search for data on the effectiveness or toxicology of “Aleve”.

The Flexplus feature also retrieves nine records in this case, however since it is more generalized to allow different stereochemistry and bonding, it may sometimes retrieve more records than a Flex search, however some may not have the same characteristics as the parent.

These new features are described in more detail in the ChemIDplus Advanced Help. (02/14/06)


Lead and Human Health added to Enviro-Health Links

A new web page, Lead and Human Health, that addresses the relationship between lead and human health has been added to the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Enviro-Health Links. The page contains links to selected web sites on exposure, treatment, and prevention of lead poisoning. (12/15/05)

WebWISER makes WISER available on the Internet

A web version of the National Library of Medicine's WISER is now available. WebWISER provides the WISER functionality via the Internet, without downloading of software or data to the desktop. It has a consistent look and feel of the WISER for Windows desktops/laptops and PDAs. WebWISER supports web browsers for both PCs and PDAs, including BlackBerry.

Visit the general WISER website for:
  • Free downloads of WISER for PDAs and Window PC platforms
  • A WISER tutorial, and
  • Links to other useful information for emergency responders (12/06/05)
ToxSeek Released

ToxSeek is a meta-search and clustering engine that enables simultaneous searching of many different information resources on the World Wide Web. ToxSeek uses natural language processing and artificial intelligence to retrieve, integrate, rank, and present search results as coherent and dynamic sets. ToxSeek’s results “clustering” feature helps users to more easily identify particular concepts. These “clusters” are created from what is retrieved in the original query, and can be useful in uncovering a specific concept or focus for more in-depth searching.

ToxSeek searches across a wide range of authoritative sources including:
  • All TOXNET databases
  • Additional selected resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), including PubMed
  • Resources from other NIH institutes, toxicology/environmental health information from other United States government agencies
  • Selected international resources, such as the World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Resources from professional societies and scientific organizations (11/14/05)
WISER Release 2.1

The 2.1 release of WISER has updated data, more refined search results and a new print capability from the Windows version. Available for the Palm, Pocket PC and Windows desktop/laptops.

Go to the WISER home page to download the new versions. (9/29/2005)

New Design for ALTBIB - Bibliography on Alternatives to the Use of Live Vertebrates in Biomedical Research and Testing

Obtaining relevant information on animal alternatives from MEDLINE/PubMed can be challenging. For this reason, the NLM now offers automated MEDLINE/PubMed filtered searches for relevant citations. Users can also further limit their search (via checkboxes) to citations with the "Animal Use Alternatives" MeSH term, to the PubMed Toxicology Subset, and to citations published after 2000.

For information prior to 2001, users can search ALTBIB, NLM's bibliographic collection on alternatives to animal testing. It includes citations from published articles, books, book chapters, and technical reports from 1992 to 2001. The bibliography contains citations on methods, tests, assays, and procedures that may be useful in establishing alternatives to the use of intact vertebrates.

In 2001, MEDLINE incorporated several enhancements to facilitate the information retrieval of animal alternatives literature, such as adding MeSH main headings on the animal alternatives subjects and indexing more journals relevant to animal alternatives. Since the introduction of these new enhancements, ALTBIB has not been updated. (9/28/2005)

TRI2003 Released

TRI2003 was released to the public on TOXNET on June 13, 2005. The new release contains 91647 records.  (6/13/2005)

New version of TOXMAP released TOXMAP 2.4 contains the following new features:
ChemIDplus News

ChemIDplus Lite was recently updated to use the same Marvin generated structure display in PNG format used in our Advanced version. This has allowed immediate updating of the structures in Lite. The display of physical and toxicological data was also added at this time.

New Locators that have been added in the past months:

  • CHEBI -- Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ( ChEBI) is a freely available dictionary of small molecular entities
  • NTP DBS -- This new NTP website is a "Work-in-Progress" project. The goal of this National Toxicology Program (NTP) website is to make individual animal data from NTP studies publicly available.
  • USDA ARS -- USDA ARS PPD is a compendium of chemical and physical properties of over 330 widely used pesticides (6/9/2005)
WISER Windows™ version is now available for free downloading

An operational version of WISER for Microsoft Windows™ is now available for free download at In addition, updated versions of the WISER for PocketPC and WISER for Palm are available.

WISER is a system designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. It provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information, and containment andsuppression advice.

Feedback on WISER is welcome. (6/9/2005)

FY 2005 AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects Awarded

NLM funded 18 AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects in September 2005.


Customizing TOXMAP

TOXMAP users can now create customized maps from their own web sites by incorporating a simple web link.

Full instructions are provided in the TOXMAP FAQ entitled "How can I link my site to TOXMAP?". Examples are also included. (12/14/2004)


TOXMAP is an interactive web site that shows the amount and location of reported toxic chemicals released into the environment on maps of the United States. TOXMAP allows users to visually explore information about releases of toxic chemicals by industrial facilities around the United States as reported annually to the Environmental Protection Agency.

TOXMAP is designed to:
  • Show the geographic distribution of releases by chemical
  • Show how the amount of chemical releases have changed over time
  • Link to chemical information in TOXNET's Hazardous Substances Databank (HSDB) and other authoritative resources
  • Use chemical and geographic terms from the displayed map to search bibliographic databases
  • Integrate geographically coded data from other sources
  • Provide general information about GIS, data quality, and map interpretation
  • Be easy to navigate and to understand by those unfamiliar with GIS
  • Since many users may not be experienced in reading maps or understanding map data, TOXMAP provides Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • More information about TOXMAP can be found at (11/04/2004)
TRI2002 Released

TRI2002 was released to the public on TOXNET on August 31. The new release contains 93,380 records. (10/13/2004)

Advanced Version of the ChemIDplus Chemical Search Database

The Division of Specialized Information Services (SIS) of the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) announces a new Advanced version of the ChemIDplus chemical search database. It takes the place of our original ChemIDplus search page and offers more searching options and system stability.

These new capabilities provide users more advanced search options and system stability, and complement the recently released ChemIDplus Lite version which does not allow structure searching. These Advanced and Lite interfaces run against the same ChemIDplus database as before, with the addition of new chemical and biological data tables to give property searching capability.

Following are some of the highlights of this new search interface:
  • Name, CAS RN, Classification Code, Locator and Formula searching in the original ChemIDplus format for over 368,000 substances. Over 1.3 million chemical names are available as well as over 100 Locator URLs pointing other resources pertinent to a given chemical
  • Chemical Structure searching using the newest MDL ISISDirect software, by substructure, similarity, and individual structure
  • Chemical Structure display using ChemAxons Marvin product, which generates a browser friendly png (portable network graphic) image and thus doesnt require the Chime plugin for display
  • Chemical Structure drawing input by the ChemAxon Marvin Java applet, editor, as well as the MDL Chime and ISISDraw combination
  • Numeric searching by biological endpoints, including LD50 and LC50. The user may specify Test, Species, Route, and Effect, and both ranging and exact match are available
  • Numeric chemical property search and display on eight fields such as Melting Point and Boiling Point, Water Solubility and LogP
  • Numeric molecular weight ranging and exact search
  • Tracking of your query history, including display of structures searched, and the capability to re-run or modify old searches during a session
  • Much longer session times than previously available. There is now a half hour of inactivity before the session ends (09/24/2004)
Native American Health Web Site

SIS recently launched the Native American Health Web Site, a gateway to information about issues affecting the health and well-being of American Indians. The portal brings together health and medical resources pertinent to the American Indian population including consumer health information, traditional healing, tribal web sites, environmental concerns, and disease research. Links are provided to an assortment of documents, Web sites, databases, and other resources. (8/12/2004)

Last updated: 26 March 2009
First published: 16 December 2005
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