Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH



Base SAS provides a scalable, integrated software environment specially designed for data access, transformation and reporting. It includes a fourth-generation programming language; ready-to-use programs for data manipulation, information storage and retrieval, descriptive statistics and report writing; and a powerful macro facility that reduces programming time and maintenance issues. The Base SAS windowing environment provides a full-screen facility for interacting with all parts of a SAS program. On-line help is also available.


After starting SAS, navigate to the Help → About window from the SAS: Explorer window.

How to Use

Type 'sas' at the prompt. SAS runs via X-Windows, so you need an X-Windows connection. (Hint: type 'xclock' on either systems to make sure that your X-Windows software is working correctly). You should see the SAS logo pop up briefly, and then the menus will appear.

SAS splash image

SAS screen image


Type 'man sas' at the prompt for the SAS man page.

SAS has online help. If X-Windows is enabled, typing 'sas' at the prompt will bring up the SAS Workspace X-Windows interface. Click on the Help button to view the SAS help.

SAS Product Documentation