Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH



Relpair is a program that infers the relationships of pairs of individuals based on genetic marker data, either within families or across an entire sample. RELPAIR was written by William L. Duren, Michael Epstein, Mingyao Li, and Michael Boehnke.

Relpair is intended to be run interactively on helix.


Type relpair on command line

Sample session

Example files can be copied to user's area from /usr/local/relpair/example*.

% relpair ***************************************************** ******* RELPAIR VERSION 2.0.1, JUNE 13, 2004 ******** *** WRITTEN BY WILLIAM L. DUREN, MICHAEL EPSTEIN, *** ********** MINGYAO LI AND MICHAEL BOEHNKE *********** ***************************************************** CONTROL FILE NAME: example.ctl ANALYZING ALL POSSIBLE PAIRS OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE DATA SET ... PROCESSING PEDIGREE FILE ... 21 INDIVIDUALS MEET ANALYSIS CRITERIA ... 210 PAIRS WILL BE EXAMINED ... 210 PAIRS (100.00%) EXAMINED ... ANALYSIS COMPLETE.
