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MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, Extended Profile

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Table of Contents
Identification and description
Local use
Sustainability factors
Quality and functionality factors (video)
File type signifiers
Format specifications
Useful references
Format Description Properties
• ID: fdd000084
• Short name: MPEG-4_AVC_EP
• Content categories: moving image
• Format category: bitstream encoding
• Last significant update: 2005-11-09
• Draft status: Full

Identification and description Explanation of format description terms

Full nameInformation technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects (formal name)
MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding (part 10), Extended Profile
DescriptionExtended is the most complex of the three original MPEG-4_AVC profiles (Baseline, Main, and Extended); it places the greatest demands on a decoder. The constraints on this profile are limited and, like the Main Profile, examples may include intra (I), predicted (P), and bidirectional (B) slice types (slice is the MPEG-4_AVC term for a single macroblock or a set of macroblocks that make up a portion of an individual picture.) For a discussion of the contraints and the levels that may be used in this profile, see Appendix A in Part 10 of the standard, pp. 204-211.

The extensions described here predate the FRExt (Fidelity Range Extensions), being finalized in 2005 and represented by four new profiles: MPEG-4_AVC_HP, MPEG-4_AVC_H10P, MPEG-4_AVC_H422P, and MPEG-4_AVC_H444P.
  Production phase  Generally a final-state (end-user delivery) format.
Relationship to other formats 
  Subtype ofMPEG-4_AVC
  Used byMP4_FF_2_AVC_EP, MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with AVC, Extended Profile

Local use Explanation of format description terms

LC experience or existing holdings 
LC preference 

Sustainability factors Explanation of format description terms

DisclosureOpen standard. See MPEG-4_AVC.
  DocumentationSee MPEG-4_AVC.
AdoptionSee MPEG-4_AVC.
  Licensing and patent claimsSee MP4_FF_2.
TransparencySee MP4_FF_2.
Self-documentationSee MP4_FF_2.
External dependenciesSee MP4_FF_2.
Technical protection considerationsSee MP4_FF_2.

Quality and functionality factors (video) Explanation of format description terms

Normal renderingGood support.
Clarity (support for high image resolution)See MPEG-4_AVC. Depends in part on the level and encoding algorithm selected. The Extended Profile will produce greater clarity than the MPEG-4_AVC_BP (Baseline Profile) and the MPEG-4_AVC_MP (Main Profile) at a given picture size and data rate. The clarity in all three of the original profiles is surpassed by the four FRExt (Fidelity Range Extension) profiles: MPEG-4_AVC_HP, MPEG-4_AVC_H10P, MPEG-4_AVC_H422P, and MPEG-4_AVC_H444P.
Fidelity (support for high audio resolution)See MP4_FF_2.
Support for multiple sound channelsSee MP4_FF_2.
Functionality beyond normal video renderingSee MP4_FF_2.

File type signifiers Explanation of format description terms

Tag typeValueNote
Filename Extensionmp4 
Internet Media TypeSee MP4_FF_2 
Magic numbersSee MP4_FF_2 
Profile indicators88For profile_idc; Annex A of Part 10 of the standard, pp. 204-05.
File type brandSee noteIndicated in file wrapper and relates to "brands" defined in ISO_BMFF. Wrapping MPEG-4_AVC bitstreams in MP4_FF_1 would occasion the use of mp41; in MP4_FF_2, use mp42.

Notes Explanation of format description terms


Format specifications Explanation of format description terms


From the ISO web site (
• ISO/IEC 14496-10:2003 Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 10: Advanced Video Coding
• ISO/IEC 14496-15:2003 Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 15: Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format

Useful references

• See MP4_FF_2.

• See MP4_FF_2.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 07-Mar-2007 12:40:20 EST