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Many people have questions about how the economic recovery will be implemented.  Here are answers to some of the most common inquiries. 

How much money does Pennsylvania expect to get?
Pennsylvania will receive an estimated $16 billion in stimulus funds to support transportation infrastructure, other infrastructure and housing, energy independence, relief for Pennsylvanians, education and health care.  This funding is provided to each state based on established formulas, typically including the population of the state. 

In addition, Pennsylvania will apply for every available competitive grant that can benefit Pennsylvanians and create economic growth.

Who decides how the stimulus money is spent?
The federal stimulus provides resources for economic recovery in very specific ways: for example, it includes $360 million reserved for energy independence and $118 million for job training.
Within these categories, Pennsylvania will use its existing transparent processes for awarding grants and making funding decisions – many of which occur at the local level, not in Harrisburg.  School boards will decide how they wish to use education grants.  Metropolitan planning organizations and rural planning organizations will approve their own lists of transportation projects.

Does the public get to have input?
Public input is an important step in the planning and decision-making process.  Because investment decisions are made by a variety of agencies and local entities, the Economic Recovery and Relief Web site will include an up-to-date description of ways that the public can get involved in making stimulus decisions.

How will the state be accountable for stimulus funds?
Pennsylvania is committed to strong accountability and transparency for every stimulus dollar.  This Web site will provide continuously updated information on how all stimulus funds are used and the specific status of Pennsylvania projects.

To ensure that government is accountable to the taxpayers, a new Chief Accountability Officer will be appointed to work across state agencies and cut through bureaucracy.

The state will also release quarterly Economic Recovery Updates with detailed data on Pennsylvania’s progress in putting the stimulus to use on behalf of the commonwealth’s residents and businesses.

How can I find out what stimulus funds are available?
Visit the Announcement page, and sign up to receive email updates when new material is posted.


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