About > Governor's Statement
Governor's Statement

Welcome to Pennsylvania’s Web site dedicated to transparency and to providing our citizens with information regarding billions of federal stimulus dollars the Commonwealth will receive under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The Federal stimulus bill makes it possible for Pennsylvania to meet the economic relief and recovery goals for our families that I proposed recently in my budget address. First and foremost, we will put more of our citizens to work and keep many more who are currently working in their jobs. But this money helps us accomplish other worthy goals, such helping us achieve energy independence, increasing access to and lowering the cost of healthcare and improving public schools while stabilizing property taxes.

This Web site will provide citizens with access to the decision making process on how the stimulus funds will be spent.  It will also allow you to track how the funds are spent, where they are spent and contract details on who received stimulus funds, how much and what outcomes those funds are expected to achieve.

This on-line tracking system is linked to the Commonwealth’s accounting system, so every dime we spent will be available for citizens to see – not simply that we spent the funds, but for what and how much.

Citizens can also use this Web site to get quarterly updates and track if we are meeting the goals of the stimulus – for instance in the case of a transportation project; did we repair the bridge on time and how many jobs were created by doing so? 

I hope this Web site is helpful to you and makes our process understandable and transparent.  If you have any suggestions on how we can improve it going forward, please do not hesitate to contact us with your thoughts.


Edward G. Rendell, Governor


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