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DOI - Financial and Activity Report
Department of the Interior
Report Date: 2009-04-24View History

 Financial Status:
  • Total Available: $0
  • Total Paid Out: $0
 Major Actions Taken to Date:
  • Secretary issued press release and held press conference on DOI's Recovery Act efforts.
  • Submitted General Agency Plan to Congress on March 19, 2009.
  • Secretary Salazar announced USGS Recovery Act projects ($140 million) on Friday, April 10.
  • Secretary Salazar announced BOR's $1 billion investments in water infrastructure (Wednesday, April 15). The $1 billion investment includes $50 million for the Central Utah Project Completion Act (CUPCA).
  • Secretary Salazar announced NPS Recovery Act projects ($750 million) on Wednesday, April 22.
  • Secretary Salazar announced Indian Affairs $500 million investment in Indian Country on April 25.
  • Secretary Salazar announced FWS Recovery Act projects ($280 million) on April 26.
  • Issued guidance to DOI personnel on awarding and monitoring Recovery Act contracts and financial assistance.
  • Continued efforts to BLM project lists and program plans.
  • Submitted major communications, weekly reports, made reports available via RSS feed, and posted on DOI webpage.
 Major Planned Actions:
  • Continue announcement of Recovery Act projects for BLM.
  • Once all projects are announced, update web site to provide state by state funding/project information.
  • On April 28, 2009, Acting Commissioner, J. William McDonald will testify before the House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Water and Power on Implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
  • Indian Affairs Indian Energy and Economic Development staff will attend the South Dakota Indian Business Conference in Rapid City (May 5-6, 2009) to conduct outreach on the loan guarantee funds.

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