U.S. Geological Survey

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The USGS received approximately $140 million as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help upgrade and improve some of the USGS laboratories and research capabilities and the energy efficiency, health, and safety of the bureau's facilities. This money will also go toward modernizing streamgages, adding monitoring equipment to the Advanced National Seismic System, expanding our volcano monitoring efforts, collecting imagery as part of The National Map, and upgrading research facilities.

The $140 million announced today will go to USGS programs including:

USGS Recovery Act Releases

More information, including maps, on USGS Recovery Act projects is coming soon. Be sure to check back often.

For more information regarding USGS ARRA activities, please contact recovery@usgs.gov.

View the DOI Recovery Multimedia Gallery.

DOI Recovery Investments by Bureau

Last updated: April 22, 2009 01:27:53 am
Content contact: recovery@ios.doi.gov