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Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP)

Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP) (FY 2008 Competitive Grant Announcement)
The application period is now closed.
TCAP Frequently Asked Questions

FY 2007 Tribal Courts Assistance Program Grant Awards

BJA, as part of the U.S. Department of Justice's Indian Country Law Enforcement Initiative, administers grants to support the development, implementation, enhancement, and continuing operation of tribal judicial systems.

For FY 2007, there were three separate categories under which tribes could apply:

  1. Category I: Planning and Implementing an Intertribal Court System for Smaller Service Populations
    Applications are sought from consortia of tribal governments (at least two), each of whom serves a population of less than 1,000 people, to plan, develop, and implement a tribal court system where none currently exists. This category focuses on smaller tribes located contiguous to or near other tribal governments where it is economically and administratively feasible for the creation of an intertribal court. Grant funds may be used to facilitate the development and initial implementation of an intertribal court system that will be designed to meet the needs of more than one tribe in the same geographic region.

  2. Category II: Planning and Implementing a Single-Tribe Court System
    Applications are sought from tribal governments for the development and initial implementation of a tribal court that will be designed to meet the needs of their tribal government. Tribal governments, each with a service population equal to or exceeding 1,000 people, may apply for grant funds to facilitate the development and initial implementation of a tribal court system where none currently exists.

  3. Category III: Enhancing and Continuing the Operation of Tribal Courts
    Applications are sought from tribal communities, regardless of the size of their service populations, to enhance and/or continue the operation of existing tribal courts. Initiatives may include, but are not limited to: establishing a core structure for a tribal court, improving case management, training court personnel, acquiring additional equipment and/or software, enhancing prosecution and indigent defense, supporting probation diversion and alternative sentencing programs, accessing services, focusing on juvenile services and multidisciplinary protocols for child physical and sexual abuse, and for structuring intertribal or tribal appellate systems.

Legislation: Beginning in FY 2001, the Tribal Courts Assistance Program received separate authorizing legislation pursuant to Public Law 106-559 (25 USC 3689(a)).

Funding: FY 2008 funding has not yet been determined. FY 2007 funding was $8 million.

Eligibility: Applicants are limited to federally recognized tribal governments-including Alaska Native villages and corporations-and authorized intertribal consortia. Intertribal consortia must have and retain written authorization from each member tribe-prior to this solicitation's submission deadline-and certify the same in the application. Tribes that received FY 2006 or FY 2007 grants through this program ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to apply in FY 2008.

How/When To Apply: BJA released the solicitation on December 3, 2007, and applications were due February 7, 2008. Applications must be submitted via Grants.gov.

Related Information:
Tribal Courts and Judges Assistance Program: Technical Assistance and Training Coordination and Implementation (FY 2007 Competitive Grant Announcement)

Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP) (FY 2007 Competitive Grant Announcement)
TCAP Frequently Asked Questions

FY 2006 Tribal Courts Assistance Program Grant Awards
Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP) (FY 2006 Competitive Grant Announcement)

FY 2005 Tribal Courts Assistance Program Grant Awards
Tribal Courts Assistance Program (FY 2005 Competitive Grant Announcement)

Related Links:
OJP's Tribal Justice and Safety in Indian Country web site
Bureau of Indian Affairs
National Tribal Judicial Center
National Tribal Justice Resource Center
Tribal Judicial Institute

Archived Publications:
Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP) Fact Sheet (Winter 2007)
Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP) Fact Sheet (Summer 2006)
Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP): Fact Sheet (Winter 2005)

Contact Information:
Kim Norris
Senior Policy Advisor for Adjudication
Bureau of Justice Assistance
810 Seventh Street NW.
Washington, DC 20531
Fax: 202-307-0036
E-mail: kim.norris@usdoj.gov