Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Building a Better Arizona

Program Funding

  • US - Total

Federal Agency
General Environment    
Clean Water SRF Environment $4,000M 20% state matching requirement is waived. Funds will be reallocated where projects are not under contract or construction within 12 months of enactment date.
Drinking Water SRF Environment $2,000M 20% state matching requirement is waived. Funds will be reallocated where projects are not under contract or construction within 12 months of enactment date.
Brownfields Projects Environment $100M Competitive grants; allows for 3.5% set-aside for (federal administration).
Diesel Emission Grants Environment $300M Competitive grants; allows for 2% set-aside for (federal administration). State grant/loan program matching provision is waived.
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Environment $200M Waives state matching requirement.