Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Building a Better Arizona

Program Funding

  • US - Total

Federal Agency
General Energy/Interior    
Weatherization Assistance Program Energy/Interior $5,000M Distributed by states to local energy programs; raises the eligibility income threshold from 150% FPL to 200% FPL the and increases the limit on the amount of assistance from $2,500 to $6,500.
Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant Energy/Interior $3,200M $2.8 b. by formula, with 12% of these funds given to the State Energy Programs. Remaining $400 m. competitive.
State Energy Program Energy/Interior $3,100M Governor must notify the Secretary of Energy in writing that the governor has obtained necessary assurances; also waives 20% state match requirement and waives the limitation on the percentage of funding that can be used for the purchase and installation of energy efficiency equipment and materials.
Historic Preservation Fund Energy/Interior $15M For use at historically black colleges and universities.