Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Building a Better Arizona

Program Funding

  • US - Total

Federal Agency
Foster Care/ Adoption Assistance (Title IV-E) HHS $843M Application of FMAP hold-harmless and 6.2 across-the-board percentage point increase. Reductions in the state share due to unemployment do not apply.
Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) HHS $2,000M Entire amount available upon enactment; $255 m. is set aside for quality improvement of which 93.6 m. is to be for improvement of quality and infant care. These funds must be used to supplement, not supplant state general revenue funds for child care assistance for low-income families.
Head Start & Early Head Start HHS $2,100M $1,000 m. for Head Start to be allocated according to current formula and to sustain FY 2009 awards through FY 2010; $1,100 m. for Early Head Start to be awarded on a competitive basis. Funding is to sustain FY 2009 awards through FY 2010.
Community Services Block Grant HHS $1,000M Available upon enactment; 1% set-aside for enrollment; during FYs 2009 and 2010, states may increase income eligibility ceiling from 125% to 200% of FPL.
Aging Services-Senior Meals HHS $100M $65 m. for congregate meals and $32 m. for home-delivered under Older Americans Act; 3 m. for Native American Services.
Child Support Enforcement HHS $1,000M Federal incentive funds for states to collect child support payments owed to families. Represents a temporary two-year fix of the federal child support incentive match previously repealed in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.
TANF HHS $5,000M Emergency contingency block grants, distributed quarterly; for increases in caseloads, expenditures related to non-recurrent short term benefits or expenditures for subsidized employment.
TANF Supplemental Grants HHS $319M Extends supplemental grants to the 17 eligible states through FY 2010.