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Governor David A. Paterson NYS Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Cabinet
New York State Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009


Announced Projects and Programs

Governor Paterson has announced or certified dozens programs and projects as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Follow the links below for more information regarding the projects that have been announced by Governor Paterson and the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Cabinet, or download the Recovery Handbook  for details about specific programs.


From railroads, to bridges, to rivers, to canals, New York’s transportation infrastructure is the lifeblood of our economy. New York will receive $1.12 billion in ARRA dollars to update existing infrastructure, as well as to create new opportunities for expansion in public transportation, railroads and aviation.

Announced Projects and Programs >> Fact Sheet >>   Recovery Handbook >> 


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has appropriated billions of dollars to stabilize and update our education system. This includes funds specifically for Higher Education, Secondary Education, Early Childhood Education, and more, as well as for upgrading our public library system.

Fact Sheet  >>   Recovery Handbook >>  


Establishing alternative sources of energy and making current sources of energy more efficient will be two of the most important challenges we face in the twenty-first century. Here in New York, ARRA funds will be available for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants, the Weatherization Assistance Program and the State Energy Program.

Fact Sheet  >>   Recovery Handbook >>  



With the dangers of global warming becoming more apparent by the day, it is crucial that we act as responsible stewards of our most valuable resource: the environment. ARRA funds will be used for projects including Diesel Emissions Reduction Grants, green-job training and brownfields clean-up.

Fact Sheet  >>   Recovery Handbook >>  


The current economic downturn has taken its toll on many New York home owners.  To help stem the current foreclosure crisis, New York will receive more than $500 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Some of this money will also go towards making homes more energy efficient and less susceptible to harsh weather conditions.

Announced Projects and Programs >> Fact Sheet  >>  Recovery Handbook >>  

Sewer and Water

Ensuring that all New Yorkers have access to clean water is one of our State government’s highest priorities. ARRA funds are being made available to projects that will address our state water infrastructure needs.

Fact Sheet  >>   Recovery Handbook >>  


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