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Message from Governor Nixon

Fellow Missourians,

Welcome to, a Web site where we can come together to share ideas about how to create jobs and transform Missouri’s economy for the 21st century.

During these difficult economic times, Missouri families are hurting. More than 200,000 Missourians are out of work, small businesses are fighting to keep their doors open, and good-paying jobs are getting shipped overseas. Together, we must take bold, urgent action to create jobs now, and to transform Missouri’s economy for years to come.

At the beginning of the 20th century, agriculture and heavy manufacturing alone were enough to drive Missouri’s economy. That isn’t so today. To compete in the new global economy, we must race forward in new fields, including life and plant sciences, high-tech research and alternative energy – while also revitalizing our agricultural and manufacturing industries.

The federal recovery act gives us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the future of our state. If we don’t take advantage of this opportunity, our economy will remain mired in the past. That must not happen. As Governor, I am committed to maximizing the benefit of these federal resources to create jobs for Missourians and to move our economy forward.

Under my Transform Missouri Initiative, we will invest these federal resources in three broad areas: developing our human capital; enhancing our information and transportation infrastructure; and embracing emerging technologies. To get this important process, we need to hear from you:

  • What ideas do you have for projects that could transform Missouri?
  • How could federal recovery funds help your small business grow?
  • What does this opportunity mean for your family?

Please take a few moments to look around this Web site and share your proposals with us. Under the federal recovery act, Missouri must be ready – with good ideas, detailed proposals, and qualified workers – to hit the ground running over the next few months. Your input on this Web site will put us in the best position possible to compete for those resources.

Again, thank you for visiting, and please check back often for additional updates and announcements.

Together, we’ll get Missourians working again and forever transform our state’s economy.


Jay Nixon