Education & Higher Education

*Subject to federal agency allocation

Education | Program details

New Information | Posted 04.21.09: Arkansas Department of Education Resources

The Department of Education is scheduled to receive $228.8 million in formula grant funding.  Local Education Agencies (LEAs) may apply for a portion of an additional $43.2 million in grants. These funds are above and beyond what is provided for in the Fiscal Stabilization section of the Stimulus Act.

  • Title I, Part A - This funding provides help to disadvantaged kids to meet high academic standards.
  • IDEA Part B - Provides funds for special education and would help prevent these mandatory costs from forcing cuts in other education areas.
  • Education Technology - Provides for 21st century classrooms, including computer science labs and teacher technology training.
  • School Lunch Equipment - Provides supplemental funds for school lunch equipment grants. Arkansas is to provide competitive grants to school food authorities, giving priority where more than 50% of students are eligible for reduced price meals.
  • Education for Homeless Children and Youth - For McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act grants to states to provide services to homeless children, including meals and transportation.

The following competitive grants are also available for state and local education agencies:

  • Education Technology State Grants - $650 million (nationally) for technology grants. Applications must include a long-range strategic plan for educational technology.
  • Innovation & Improvement - $200 million (nationally) for systemic education reform grants.

Higher Education | Program details

Under the Stimulus Act, the Federal Pell Grant Program as authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.) will see increases in the discretionary Pell grants for individuals of $500 (to $4,860) and to mandatory Pell grants of $490 (to $5,350). Appropriation is not needed because student tuitions have already been factored into budgets for the institutions, and refunds to students are not subject to appropriations. $550 million in competitive grants are available for College Work Study to support low-income students who work while in school, Teacher Quality grants as authorized by Part A of Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965, and Statewide Data Systems to track post-secondary and workforce statistical data.

Vocational Education | Program details

The Department of Workforce Education will receive $6.6 million in Rehabilitation Services and Disability Research grants to carry out the Vocational Rehabilitation Services program as authorized by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 701 et seq.) This program supports a wide range of services designed to help persons with disabilities prepare for and engage in gainful employment to the extent of their capabilities.

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