Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is

  2. Where is the full text of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?

  3. What is the purpose of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

  4. What benefits could stimulus funds offer?

  5. What types of programs will be funded?

  6. How can my organization apply for recovery funds?

  7. How is the money distributed?

  8. How will funds be dispersed in Washington state?

  9. How will funding decisions be made for stimulus projects?

  10. I sent my project to the Office of Financial Management (OFM) (or the Governor's Office or the Washington State Association of Counties or another group). Is that all I need to do to be considered for funding ?

  11. Are all potential sources of money listed on your website?

  12. Why do we have to move so fast on projects?

  13. Does the Act have requirements for infrastructure projects?

  14. Does the Act prohibit the use of funds for certain activities?

  15. What accountability and transparency steps are required?

  16. Where can I find information on tax incentives?

  17. Where can I learn more about how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will affect the Federal budget?

What is

It’s a website with information about how Washington state uses federal stimulus funding. Information about how state agencies are distributing funds will be posted soon.

Where is the full text of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?

Look here.

What is the purpose of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The Act, or federal stimulus plan, is intended to:

  • Create and save jobs

  • Jump-start the economy

  • Promote economic recovery and growth

What benefits could stimulus funds offer?

Stimulus funds could help:

  • Modernize the state's infrastructure

  • Enhance our energy independence

  • Expand educational opportunities

  • Increase access to health care

  • Provide tax relief and protect those in greatest need

  • Assist those most affected by the recession

What types of programs will be funded?

Funding is provided for a range of federal programs. Funding will increase or extend certain benefits payable under the Medicaid, unemployment compensation and nutrition assistance programs. Funding will also reduce individual and corporate income tax collections and make other changes to tax laws.

In sum, funding will support programs that:

  • Create a framework for clean, efficient, American energy

  • Transform our economy with science and technology

  • Modernize roads, bridges, transit and waterways

  • Overhaul education for the 21st century

  • Dispense tax cuts to create jobs

  • Expand access to health care and lower costs

  • Provide assistance to workers hurt by the economy

  • Save public sector jobs and protect vital services

How can my organization apply for recovery funds?

The Act distributes funds through already established channels whenever possible. Most funding will flow through the state agency that normally handles that type of funding. For example, funding for clean water projects will go through the state Department of Ecology and funding for drinking water projects through the state Department of Health.

How is the money distributed?

The Act provides funding for 100+ programs. Funding is delivered in various ways, including grants based on formulas, competitive grants and discretionary grants.

How will funds be dispersed in Washington state?

Some funds will be disbursed directly to local entities based on pre-existing formulas, such as Title I and special education funding to school districts.

  • The state will distribute some funds while other funds will be distributed by the appropriate federal agency.

  • Fund sources we have identified that are available by application, and the agency responsible for distributing the money, are at

How will funding decisions be made for stimulus projects?

For money distributed by the state, decisions on project selection and level of funding will be made with the same process now used by state agencies and the Legislature. All major building decisions, major road projects and appropriations are subject to a rigorous review and approval process.

Other funds will be directly distributed by federal agencies through grants; each federal agency will follow the guidelines established in the Recovery Act and/or its normal procedures.

I sent my project to the Office of Financial Management (OFM) (or the Governor's Office or the Washington State Association of Counties or another group). Is that all I need to do to be considered for funding ?

No. Having sent your project to the Governor’s Office or to OFM does not mean you have applied for a specific program or program funding. Because each fund source has unique criteria that must be met by the applicant, you must follow the application process each agency has established to be considered for funding. Timelines for distributing funds are generally very short. Please contact the appropriate agency as soon as possible to learn how to apply.

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes those of you who have initiated contact. We know you understand the importance of following the process required by the Act.

Are all potential sources of money listed on your website?

The online list represents what we know today about funds you can access by application. However, we get new information every day, so please:

  • Check the online program contact list regularly.

  • Contact your usual agency resources about changes that may make funds available for your projects.

Why do we have to move so fast on projects?

The Act provides some funding that requires money to be obligated within 90 to 180 days or the money will be redirected to another  state (“use it or lose it”).  As each day passes, more companies are closing their doors and more Washingtonians are losing their jobs. It is crucial to commit these funds as quickly and responsibly as possible to create jobs and help families in need.

Does the Act have requirements for infrastructure projects?

Yes. The Act requires that:

  • Priority be given to projects where contracts can be awarded within 120 days of enactment of the plan;

  • Can be completed in 3 years; and

  • Are located in economically distressed areas.

In addition, the Act requires that funds given to a state or local government for infrastructure projects:

  • Must be an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars;

  • Can be started and finished quickly; and

  • Can be used in a way that maximizes job creation and economic benefit.

Does the Act prohibit the use of funds for certain activities?

Yes. State, local and private entities cannot use federal stimulus funding for a casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course or swimming pool.

Local school districts and higher education institutions are prohibited from using funds for:

  • Payment of maintenance costs;

  • Stadiums or other facilities primarily used for athletic contests or exhibitions or other events charging admission;

  • Purchase or upgrade of vehicles;

  • Improvement of stand-alone facilities whose purpose is not the education of children;

  • Maintenance of systems, equipment or facilities;

  • Modernization, renovation or repair of stadiums or other facilities primarily used for athletic contests or exhibitions or other events for which admission is charged to the public; or

  • Modernization, renovation or repair of facilities used for sectarian instruction or religious worship, or in which a substantial portion of the functions of the facilities are subsumed in a religious mission.

Colleges and universities are required to use funds for education and general expenditures in such a way as to mitigate the need to raise tuition for in-state students. Funds can also be used for modernization, renovation or repair of facilities that are primarily used for instruction, research or student housing. This includes modernization, renovation and for repairs that are consistent with a recognized green building rating system.

What accountability and transparency steps are required?

The Act includes extensive provisions to ensure that states spend funds in ways that are consistent with its purposes (see above). Requirements include:

  • Certifications by governors or local officials that infrastructure expenditures have been fully reviewed and are an appropriate use of tax dollars.

  • Public access to contract and grant information, including requests for proposals for competitive grant programs.

  • Provisions for federal oversight, reviews and audits, coordinated by a Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board.

  • Access by federal inspectors and the Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board to information needed to ensure accountability at the national level.

States receiving funds are required to report the following to the federal government:

  • How funds are being used.

  • Descriptions and status reports on stimulus-related projects.

  • Estimates of jobs saved or created by federal stimulus activities.

  • Estimates of tax increases averted because of federal stimulus funds.

This information will be added to as it becomes available.

Gov. Gregoire’s Government Management Accountability and Performance program provides a framework to measure progress and results of the state’s stimulus work. It is essential for taxpayers to know how state government is using federal stimulus funds and the results produced by those investments.

Where can I find information on tax incentives?

Most tax incentives in the Act are tied to the federal tax code.  The Internal Revenue Service is your best source of information. The Washington State Department of Revenue can provide assistance on state tax incentives tied to the Act.

Where can I learn more about how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will affect the Federal budget?

The Congressional Budget Office has calculated the effect that Act will have on the federal  budget deficit. Review those calculations in full or read a summary. For more information, visit or, for legislative information, the Library of Congress' THOMAS.