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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Weekly Report for the week ending April 10, 2009
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols (TAFS) Sub-Account Code Total Obligations Total Gross Outlays
(16-0184 2009 \ 2010) Training and Employment Services - Recovery Act
  $2,918,141,048 $658,390
(16-0176 2009 \ 2010) Community Service Employment for Older Americans - Recovery Act
  $118,800,000 $27,988
(16-0179 2009 \ 2010) State Unemployment Insurance and Employment Service Operations
  $396,000,000 $82,948
(16-0184      \ X   ) Training and Employment Services - Recovery Act
  $0 $0
(16-0186      \ X   ) Payments to the Unemployment Trust Fund - Recovery Act
  $0 $0
(16-1800      \ X   ) Federal Addtl Unemployment Compensation Program, Recovery Act
  $0 $0
(16-0167 2009 \ 2010) Salaries and Expenses - Recovery Act
  $0 $0
(16-0182 2009 \ 2010) Office of Job Corps - Recovery Act
  $8,040 $0
(20-8042      \ X   ) Unemployment Trust Fund
  $500,000,000 $0

Major Activities for the week ending April 10, 2009
Major Completed Actions (Short bulleted list of the major actions taken to date.) Major Planned Actions (Short bulleted list of the major planned actions)
Secretary Solis placed a call to Governor Rell of Connecticut to congratulate her on the recent approval of Connecticut's Unemployment Insurance (UI) Modernization application. ETA subsequently notifed the Department of the Treasury to transfer the UI modernization funds totalling $29.2 million into the Connecticut State Account. Region 3, Atlanta, will represent the ETA at Congressman Sanford Bishop's four meetings in the 2nd Congressional District taking place April 15-16, 2009. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss the Labor Department's Recovery Act program, funds and methods of obtaining the funds.
The Government Accountability Office held an Entrance Conference to brief ETA about their Recovery Act-related oversight activities and plans. The GAO is required to issue reports to Congress every 60 days on their activities. ETA anticipates the release of several Recovery Act-related Training and Employment Guidance Letters (TEGLs) this week regarding: Recovery Act-funded NEGs; the use of Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Funds made available by the Recovery Act; Financial Reporting; and a change to TEGL 14-0, clarifying issues related to the implementation of the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser formula funds under the Recovery Act.
Secretary Solis announced a National Emergency Grant award of $2,409,877, with $1,874,130 released initially, in response to layoffs throughout southern Missouri.  
The ETA's Region 2 Administrator attended the 26th Annual National Association of Job Training Assistance Conference in Baltimore, MD to present "ARRA: Guidelines for Implementing Stimulus Money for Training Programs."  

Created: April 16, 2009
Updated: April 20, 2009