Do you have a project that could be eligible for federal funding?

Funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be primarily distributed through state agencies that have established programs for distribution. Below is a list of programs with contact information and funding that Washington is expected to receive. If you have a project that could be eligible for federal funding, please contact the person listed below.

Check back periodically for updates.

LAST UPDATED: Wednesday, 4/29/09 2:04 PM
Education Health Social Services
Energy Justice & Safety Technology
Environment Local Government Transportation


Education | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share
Child Care The Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant is primarily used to help low-income families find and pay for child care while working, looking for work, or participating in approved job training. A portion of the funding is used for improving the quality of infant and toddler care.

For more information on the Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) subsidy program:

To determine whether you are eligible for WCCC, contact your local Community Service Office:

For help finding licensed care in your community, visit the Washington State Child Care Resource & Referral Network:
Amy Blondin
Communications Manager
Dept. of Early Learning
$33.3 million
Financial Aid Funding from the federal government goes directly to the school. Maximum grant increases from about $4,700 to $5,350 over two years. 105,000 Washington students receive Pell Grants. Contact the Financial Aid Office of your college or university for information. $3.3 million
Head Start Funds are sent directly to providers and do not flow through the state budget.



K-12 School Modernization, Renovation and Repair For impact aid schools for school construction grants. Gordon Beck
Director, Financial Resources School Facilities and Organization
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
Competitive grants
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance States will receive their share of funding based on the number of meals served. OSPI-Child Nutrition Services will administer funds at the state level. Funding will be on a competitive basis through OSPI’s iGrant system and will allow schools to replace equipment that is out-of-date and/or in poor working condition. George Sneller
Director, Child Nutrition Services
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
$1.5 million
Statewide Education Data Systems

Updated on 3/12
To develop statewide longitudinal data systems. Irv Lefberg
Assistant Director of Forecasting
Office of Financial Management
Competitive grants
Teacher Quality Enhancement To improve the quality of the teacher work force, including reforms in areas of alternative routes to teacher certification, teacher preparation and teacher licensing. Mark Bergeson
Associate Director
Higher Education Coordinating Board
Competitive grants


Energy | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share
Advanced Batteries

Added on 4/16
Grants supporting the construction (including production capacity increase of current plants) of U.S.-based manufacturing plants to produce batteries and electric drive components.

More information available here.

Grant will be awarded in 5 areas:
  • Cell and battery pack manufacturing facilities
  • Advanced battery supplier manufacturing facilities
  • Advanced lithium ion battery recycling facilities
  • Electric drive component manufacturing facilities
  • electric drive subcomponent manufacturing facilities
Nick Demerice
Managing Director, Community & Financial Services
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant
Advanced Energy Research

Added on 4/16
Jump-start energy technologies by funding high-risk, high-payoff research in collaboration with industry.

Terry Lawhead
Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant: $400 million
Alternative Fuel Vehicles Pilot Program For the Clean Cities program for state and local governments to purchase alternative fuel vehicles. State and local governments that obtain grants and are members of the state purchasing cooperative can buy vehicles through the state vehicle contract managed by the Dept. of General Administration. Please visit here for more info on the state vehicle contract:

Local governments with developed projects may contact the Clean Cities Coalition: State and local governments that obtain grants and are members of the state purchasing cooperative may buy vehicles through the state vehicle contract managed by the Dept. of General Administration.

Additional information:
Stephanie Meyn
Puget Sound Clean Cities Coalition
Competitive grants
Alternative Fueled Vehicles Program

Added on 4/16
To further domestic manufacture and use of energy-efficient advanced transportation vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles and alternative fuels. Tim Stearns
Energy Policy Specialist
Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block (EECBG) Grants – Competitive

Updated on 4/16
Congress appropriated total of $3.2 billion for EECBG program, $2.7 billion of which will be distributed through formula grants. Balance includes about $455 million for competitive grants, which will be awarded through a separate funding opportunity announcement coming soon.

Heather Ballash
Energy Policy Specialist, Energy Policy Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development

Competitive federal grant: $455 million to Washington
Tony Usibelli
Assistant Director, Energy Policy
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive grants
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block (EECBG) Grants – Formula

Added on 4/16
EECBG grants will be for cities with population of fewer than 35,000 and counties with population fewer than 200,000. Cities and counties may subcontract with private sector.

Energy Efficiency Recovery FAQ
Heather Ballash
Energy Policy Specialist, Energy Policy Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Formula state grant: $10.64 million. $6.4 million required to be passed through to local jurisdictions.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Research

Added on 4/16
Applied energy research funding will support applied research, development and deployment activities in biomass programs, geothermal programs and the energy efficiency of information and communications technologies. Eligible applicants will be research universities and national labs. No federal guidelines available yet.
Terry Lawhead
Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant: $2.5 billion
Energy Science and Research

Added on 4/16
Energy Science and Research funding will support research to expand scientific foundations for new and improved energy technologies for understanding and mitigating the environmental impacts of energy use. Eligible applicants will be research universities and national labs. No federal guidelines available yet.
Terry Lawhead
Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant: $1.6 billion
Fossil Fuel Research –Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Added on 4/16
U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Fossil Research has received $3.4 billion. Initiatives will focus on research, development and deployment of technologies to use coal more cleanly and efficiently. Investments will go toward finding and testing new ways to produce energy from coal — such as gasification — and improving techniques to clean or capture and store emissions from coal-fired power plants.
Mark Anderson
Senior Energy Policy Specialist
Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant: $3.4 billion
Industrial Carbon Capture and Energy Efficient Projects

Updated 4/7
Total funding for the Fossil Energy Research and Development Program includes $1 billion for fossil energy research and development programs; $800 million for Clean Coal Power Initiative Round III Funding Opportunity Announcement; $1.5 million for a competitive grant program for industrial carbon capture and energy efficiency projects; $50 million for a competitive grant on-site characterization activities in geologic formations; $20 million for geologic sequestration training and research, and $10 million for program direction funding. The Act does not include funds for FutureGen. Todd Currier
Program Division Manager, WSU Extension Energy
Washington State University
$3.2 billion
Innovative Technologies Loan Guarantees

Added on 4/16
Program encourages early commercial use of technologies in energy projects. Funding is for projects that employ new or significantly improved technologies that avoid, reduce or sequester air pollutants of greenhouse gases. Not intended for technologies in research and development.
Kathy Chance
Capital Programs, Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant: $6 billion
Smart Grid and Transmission

Added on 4/16
Funds are to be invested in nationwide plan to modernize the electric grid, enhance security of U.S. energy infrastructure and ensure reliable electricity delivery to meet growing demand. 
Funds will also support implementation of Smart Grid programs authorized by Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. These include Smart Grid technology research, development and demonstration projects, and federal matching fund for Smart Grid technologies.
Tim Stearns
Energy Policy Specialist
Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development

Competitive federal grant: $4.5 billion. 
$80 million to conduct resource assessment and analysis of demand and transmission requirements and $10 million for development of interoperability standards for Smart Grid devices.
Smart Grid Worker Training

Added on 4/16
This is part of $4.5 billion provided for Smart Grid and Transmission investment broken out by CTED to make it easier to find. Tim Stearns
Energy Policy Specialist
Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant: $100 million
State Energy Program

Updated on 4/16
Provides grants to states and directs funding to state energy offices from technology programs in the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Funding has goal of reducing per capita energy consumption by at least 25% of the state’s 1990 per capita energy use by 2012. $60 million in additional funding also provided. U.S. Dept. of Energy issued guidance for use of, application for funds by the state 3/12/09.

Funds may be used for variety of energy-efficiency and renewable energy programs, projects or initiatives. Funds may be awarded to private or public entities through grants or loans. CTED will determine process for administering funds by early May, and will submit its application with proposal for investing funds by 5/12/09 to the U.S. Dept. of Energy. Pending state legislation may change CTED’s role in administering funds.

Find more information on the CTED website or view the Energy Program Revitalization FAQ.
Heather Ballash
Energy Policy Specialist, Energy Policy Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Allocated to state: $60.9 million
Transportation Electrification

Added on 4/16
Funding for transportation electrification for:
  • Electric drive vehicle demonstration and evaluation.
  • Transportation sector electrification
  • Combined proposals for 1 and 2 above.
  • Advanced electric drive vehicle education program
Tim Stearns
Energy Policy Specialist
Energy Stimulus Team
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant: $400 million 
Washington State Appliance Rebates

Added on 4/16
Provides $300 million to state energy offices to operate a program to provide rebates to encourage consumers to purchase ENERGY STAR appliances. U.S. Dept. of Energy has not yet released program instructions.
Chuck Murray
Senior Energy Policy Specialist Energy Policy Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
$6 million

Updated on 4/29
Weatherization funding will be used to increase energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low-income persons, reduce their total residential expenditures, and improve their health and safety, especially for elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, high residential energy users and households with high energy burden. 

Funding will be awarded to 26 existing DOE-approved public and nonprofit entities in the state that serve low-income families.

Find more information on theCTED website or view the Weatherization Recovery FAQ.
Mark Porter
Communication Coordinator, Housing Improvement and Prevention Unit
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Formula: $59 million 
Other ARRA energy-related activities

Added on 4/16
Looking for information about an energy-related program not listed? Contact Tony Usibelli to get connected to the right person. Tony Usibelli
Managing Director, Energy Policy Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development


Environment | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share

Updated on 4/15
For evaluation and cleanup of former industrial and commercial sites.

For more information view the CTED website, Ecology's program website or the FAQ.
Nick Demerice
Managing Director, Community & Financial Services
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive grants: a TBD level of funding will be added to the state's revolving loan fund.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Environmental Protection Agency

Updated on 3/16
Deadline for funding has passed

Provides funding to local governments for water pollution control infrastructure including the  upgrade and expansion  of wastewater, reclaimed water and stormwater facilities statewide. The Program uses existing water quality loan and grant program criteria and eligibility and  provides additional funding to meet high priority water quality needs statewide.

Applications for funding are being accepted through March 13, 2009.

Projects must be eligible under the Clean Water Act Title VI, water pollution control facilities and associated activities.  Funding is focused on projects ready to go to construction.

Recovery Funding Allocations
Total funds expected for Washington State - approximately
$65 million split into three categories:
  1. 50% (approximately $32.5M) for subsidization to eligible applicants demonstrating financial hardship for water pollution control infrastructure construction projects.
  2. 30% (approximately $19.5M) for traditional water pollution control infrastructure construction projects.
  3. 20% (approximately $13M) of funds appropriated to address “green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements or other environmentally innovative activities.
Steve Carley
Section Manager, Water Quality Program
Dept. of Ecology
Diesel Emissions Reduction

Environmental Protection Agency

Updated on 3/9
Through existing contracts and grant processes, Ecology will fund idle reduction technologies for public fleets (approximately $300,000) and exhaust controls for cargo handling equipment. Administrative costs for these projects will not exceed 15%. Notification of grant awards in April and June 2009. Grants 100% spent by Sep. 30, 2010. Paige Boulé
Budget Planner, Air Quality Program
Dept. of Ecology
$1.7 million
Elwha Restoration

National Park Service

Environmental Protection Agency

Watershed Rehabilitation

Added on 3/9
This is part of a larger federal project to remove dams from the Elwha River and restore fish runs. Builds wastewater collection and transportation system for homes in a flood plain, a tribal fish hatchery, a fish propagation facility and a bridge to replace culverts on Stratton Creek. Raises 2 levees to protect private property and provides water quality protection for Nippon Mill.

For additional information:
Brian Winter
National Park Service
$51.7 million
Hanford Groundwater Cleanup & Contaminated Sites

U.S. Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Defense, Nuclear Waste Cleanup

Updated on 3/19
Accelerates the US Department of Energy cleanup of 80 square miles of contaminated groundwater and reduces the surface contaminated and security restricted areas from 500 square miles to 20 square miles at the Hanford Nuclear Site. The packages would complete cleanup of Hanford’s Columbia River corridor by 2015. The accelerated work would result in hiring of significant cleanup personnel by USDOE and its contractors. Ecology is working closely with federal counterparts to ensure the work gets under way as quickly as possible. Jane Hedges
Program Manager, Nuclear Waste Program
Dept. of Ecology
$1.2 million
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

Environmental Protection Agency

Added on 3/9
Cleanup of various contaminated sites resulting from leaking underground storage tanks statewide. Ecology has selected cleanup sites. A new grant application will be submitted to EPA by April 30 and funding will be available to Ecology shortly thereafter. Mike Blum
UST & LUST Coordinator, Toxics Cleanup Program
Dept. of Ecology /Toxics Cleanup Program
$3.5 million
NOAA Habitat Restoration

Updated on 4/10
Deadline for funding has passed

On April 6, 2009 Governor Gregoire endorsed 52 projects for NOAA Funds.
Rachael Langen
Deputy Director
Recreation and Conservation Office
Competitive grants
Rural Water and Waste Disposal

USDA Rural Development

Updated on 4/7
Provides loans, grants and guarantees for drinking water, sanitary sewer, solid waste and storm drainage facilities in rural areas and cities and towns of 10,000 or fewer. Now accepting applications for ARRA stimulus and regular FY ’09 program funding.

Ecology does not administer this financial assistance program but coordinates closely with USDA Rural Development on technical assistance and jointly funds eligible projects.
Peter McMillin
Community Programs Director
USDA Rural Development
Final Funding amounts TBD.
50% of the stimulus allocation will be obligated within 120 days or by mid June of 2009. The remaining 50% will be obligated by Sep. 30, 2010.
U.S. Forest Service

Updated on 3/17
Deadline for funding has passed

For ready-to-go restoration and maintenance projects.
Al Matecko
U.S. Forest Service

Glen Sachet
U.S. Forest Service
Competitive grants
Washington Conservation Corp

Added on 3/9
Ecology is in discussions with the U.S. Forest Service and National Parks Service about using 200-300 WCC members to do repair and restoration work in federal forests and parks in Washington. Some funding may be passed through to local corps programs. More information will be available in April and May. Rob Spath
WCC Manager, SEA Program
Dept. of Ecology
$12 million
Watershed and Flood Prevention

Added on 3/9
Ecology is working closely with other state natural resource agencies to coordinate watershed restoration and flood control projects. Some funding may come to Ecology for projects. Rob Spath
WCC Manager, SEA Program
Dept. of Ecology


Health | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share
Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund ARRA

Updated on 4/16
Provides long-term benefits to 25-35 drinking water infrastructure systems, creates jobs and promotes economic recovery.

Infrastructure improvements will be financed through low-interest loans and, in some cases, loan forgiveness. The state Dept. of Health will present a final loan list to the Public Works Board on 4/27/09. When a final loan list is approved, CTED/Public Works Board will begin the contract process.
Kristin Bettridge
Policy and Finance Section Manager, Office of Drinking Water
Dept. of Health
$38.4 million
Immunization This program provides grants to states for the purchase of vaccines and improvements in immunization rates. Janna Bardi
Manager, Immunization Program
Dept. of Health


Justice & Safety | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share

Updated on 4/15
Named for New York police officer Edward Byrne, killed in the line of duty while working a narcotics case. The federal grant program which bears his name provides resources to state and local governments for drug interdiction programs. Washington has used these grants to fund multi-jurisdictional drug task forces. The funds are a mix of formula grants and competitive grants.

Find more information at the CTED website or view the FAQ. 
Bill Johnston
JAG Program Manager
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development

Rick Torrance
Economic Recovery Coordinator, Community Services Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
$36.7 million
Byrne Memorial Resources for Crime Victims

Added on 4/15
CTED is competing for 2 of 8 initiatives:
  • Preventing and reducing violent crime through community-based, data-driven approaches.
  • Improving resources and services for victims of crime.
Competitive applications are due 4/27/09.
Rick Torrance
Economic Recovery Coordinator, Community Services Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive grants
Victims of Crime Act: (VOCA) Crime Victims Assistance Recovery

Updated on 4/15
Competitive distribution of Washington’s share for direct services to victims of crime.

Bev Emery
Managing Director, Office of Crime Victim Advocacy
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development

Rick Torrance
Economic Recovery Coordinator, Community Services Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): STOP grant

Updated on 4/15
Services-Training-Officers-Prosecutors (STOP) grant provides funds to local law enforcement, prosecution offices and victim service providers to improve response to domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault. Washington’s share will be distributed competitively to local law enforcement, prosecution offices and victim service providers.

Bev Emery
Managing Director, Office of Crime Victim Advocacy
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development

Rick Torrance
Economic Recovery Coordinator, Community Services Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive grant: $2.85 million
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): Transitional Housing

Updated on 4/15
Provides transitional and short-term housing and related support services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.
Bev Emery
Managing Director, Office of Crime Victim Advocacy
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development

Rick Torrance
Economic Recovery Coordinator, Community Services Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
CTED appliedfor $500,000 of this competitive grant.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): Tribal Law Enforcement and Assistance

Updated on 3/25
This funding will go directly to tribes from the federal government.    


Local Government | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share
Bond Cap Allocation Program (BCAP)

Updated on 4/15

BCAP allocates authority to issue certain categories of bonds limited by federal law.  Recovery Act provisions allow several new categories of bonds to be issued with advantageous terms — either federally tax exempt or with tax credits — to finance projects that include economic stimulus activities. With one of these bond issuances, a borrower can save financing costs compared with conventional bank financing.

Newly eligible projects for this bond financing are:
  • Economic development projects in Recovery Zones (areas of significant economic distress).
  • Business facilities in Recovery Zones.
  • Facilities for manufacturing intangible properties (research, design, software, biotech).
  • Energy conservation projects (green communities programs, alternative fuels research, mass commuting facilities, reducing energy consumption).

Find more information on the CTED website or view the FAQs:
Liz Green-Taylor
Bond Cap Allocation Program Manager, Local Government Division
Dept. of Community, Trade & Economic Development
For manufacturing of intangibles: $132 million in bond issuing authority in 2009, $147 million in 2010.

The state’s share of the BCAP – Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds is $67.9 million. Each state will divide its allocation among large jurisdictions (municipalities and counties with populations greater than 100,000). If a jurisdiction does not expect to use its entire allocation, unused authority may be reallocated to the state to be used by the state or to be reallocated to other local jurisdictions.

CTED expects to announce each large jurisdiction’s allocation amounts by the end of April 2009.

Recovery Zone project info not yet available from federal government.
Community Development Block Grant

Updated on 4/16
This state-administered federal grant funds eligible local governments for community development projects that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income persons. All funded activities must meet at least one of 3 objectives:
  • Principally benefit persons of low- and moderate-income;
  • Prevent or eliminate slums or blight; or
  • Meet urgent needs posing serious and immediate threat to public health or safety.
Find more information on the CTED website or view the FAQ.
Bill Cole
Managing Director, Local Government
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
$16.3 million
Community Services Block Grant Program

Updated on 4/16
Provides funding, technical assistance and support to 31 statewide Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and their association to ease effects of poverty and help eliminate causes of poverty.

CAAs prioritize services according to local needs. Services include housing, energy assistance, nutrition, employment and training as well as transportation, family development, health care, emergency food and shelter, and asset development. CAAs are charged with bringing all sectors together to strengthen community well- being.

Find more information on the CTED website or view the Stabilization Recovery FAQ.
Rick Torrance
Economic Recovery Coordinator, Community Services Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
$11.8 million
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Bonding Assistance under Section 332(e) of Title 49

Added on 3/24
    National competitive grants: $20 million available
Lead Hazard Reduction

Updated on 4/16
Reduces risk of lead exposure for people living in low-income housing units.

Find more information on the CTED website or view the Lead Hazard Recovery FAQ.
Cynthia Sanderson
Lead Hazard Reduction Program, Housing Division
Dept. of Community, Trade & Economic Development
$3 million
Neighborhood Stabilization Fund

Updated on 4/16
To purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed vacant properties, help create affordable housing and stabilize neighborhoods.

Find more information on the CTED website or view the Neighborhood Stabilization Fund FAQ.
Bill Mandeville
Program Manager, Local Government Division
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Competitive federal grant
Public Housing Capital Fund To build and rehabilitate low-income housing stock. Contact your local housing authority for more information. Formula and discretionary grants
Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) TCAP provides funding for capital investment in affordable housing projects that use Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) as a source of financing. Eligible projects must receive an allocation of LIHTC in 2007, 2008 or 2009. Funds are to be awarded competitively; however, priority must be given to projects that will be completed by February 2012.
Steve Walker
Director, Low Income Housing Tax Credit Division
Washington State Housing Finance Commission


Social Services | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share
Community Service Employment for Older Americans This program provides training and employment opportunities for those 55 and older. Bea Rector
Chief, State Unit on Aging, Aging and Disabilities Services
Dept. of Social and Health Services
$1.6 million
Elderly Nutrition The Home Delivered Nutrition Services Program is operated by the Washington Dept. of Social & Health Services’ Bureau of Aging and Adult Services. This program provides hot or frozen meals to elderly persons who may not eat adequately because:
  • They cannot afford to;
  • They lack knowledge, skills, or functional abilities necessary to shop or cook for themselves; or
  • They are psychologically or mentally impaired. Home delivered nutrition services are designed to help elderly persons stay in their own homes, maintain or improve their health status, and facilitate discharge from nursing homes, hospitals or other residential care facilities.
Bea Rector
Chief, State Unit on Aging, Aging and Disabilities Services
Dept. of Social and Health Services
$2.5 million
The Emergency Food Assistance Program General Administration manages the Emergency Food Assistance Program and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, receiving food and operational funding from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture for distribution to 21 lead agencies. These agencies provide food to 450 food banks, shelters and meal providers in Washington. They serve hungry low-income children, adults, elderly and the homeless. Kim Eads
Food Programs Manager
Dept. of General Administration
$2 million
Foster Care/Adoption The purpose of the adoption program is to meet the permanency needs of children who are in the care and custody of the Dept. of Social and Health Services. DSHS strives to find safe and stable families that can best meet the needs of the child. Foster parents change lives one child at a time. They believe in investing in the future of our children. The state provides financial reimbursement for the cost of caring for foster children. Judy Fitzgerald
Director, Finance and Operations Services Division
Dept. of Social and Health Services
$16.6 million
Homelessness Prevention Fund

Updated on 4/16
Provides funding for short-term rental assistance, housing relocation and stabilization efforts.

Find more information in the Homeless Prevention Recovery FAQ.
Annie Conant
Managing Director, Housing Assistance Unit
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Formula grants: $11 million
Independent Living – Older Blind

Added on 4/9
This program provides information and services to blind and visually disabled individuals age 55 and older. Deborah Cook
Program Manager
Dept. of Services for the Blind
206-310-3007 or
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
(formerly known as food stamps)
This is Washington state’s version of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps. It provides food assistance to low-income individuals and families. SNAP serves households with incomes at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. The federal government sets the income and resources standards. John Camp
Lead Program Manager/Policy Analyst, Community Services Division
Dept. of Social and Health Services
$399 million
Temporary Aid to Needy Families – Emergency Fund

Added on 4/16
Provides vulnerable individuals the services needed to secure a better job and have a better life. Diane Klontz
Managing Director, Community Programs 
Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development360-725-4142
$4 million expected
Vocational Rehabilitation

Updated on 4/9
This program provides grants to states to support a wide range of services designed to help individuals with disabilities prepare for and engage in gainful employment. Lynnae Ruttledge
Director, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Dept. of Social and Health Services

Mark Adreon
Program Specialist
Dept. of Services for the Blind
$10.4 million


Technology | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share
Dept. of Commerce - Broadband Deployment Grant Program

Updated on 4/16
To increase broadband deployment in unserved and underserved areas. $200 million is designated to expand public computer capacity and $250 million is to encourage sustainable broadband adoption.
Tamara Jones
Government & Association Liaison
Dept. of Information Services
Competitive federal grant: $450 million


Transportation | Back to Top
Program Name Description Contact Estimated WA share
Assistance to Small Shipyards Grant Program

Added on 3/24
Capital and related infrastructure improvements at qualified shipyard facilities that will be effective in fostering efficiency, competitive operations, and quality ship construction, repair, and reconfiguration. 25% non-federal funding match required.

Applications must be received by the Maritime Administration by 5 p.m. EST April 20, 2009.
  National competitive grants to qualified shipyards: $98 million available
FRA High-speed Rail Corridors & Intercity Passenger Rail Service

Updated on 3/24
For high-speed rail corridor, intercity passenger rail service and congestion mitigation projects. Scott Witt
Director, State Rail and Marine Office
Washington State Dept. of Transportation
National Competitive  grants: $8 billion available
Highway Funding Washington will receive approximately $492 million for highways, roads and bridges, and approximately $148 million sub-allocated to local jurisdictions through metropolitan planning organizations. The Washington State Dept. of Transportation is ready to go to bid on $173 million in state transportation projects within 120 days, and the remainder within a year. WSDOT will coordinate with local jurisdictions to ensure rapid project delivery.
Kathleen Davis
Director, Highways & Local Programs
Dept. of Transportation

Jay Alexander
$492 million
Highway Surface Transportation & Technology Training 23 U.S.C. 140(b)

Added on 3/24
Develop, conduct and administer highway construction training, including skill improvement programs.   National competitive grants: $20 million available
National Ferry Transportation System Grants

Updated on 4/9
Construction of/ improvement to public agency auto/passenger ferry boats or ferry boat terminals.

Applications due to Larry Ehl by 5pm, Friday, May 1.

See this website for application details:
Larry Ehl
Federal Relations Manager
Dept. of Transportation
National competitive grants: $60 million available
National Surface Transportation Supplemental Grants

Added on 3/24
Projects of significant impact to nation, metropolitan area or region. Priority for projects that can be completed in 3 years and require additional federal funds.  Eligible projects: highways and bridges (within federal system), certain port, transit, and passenger and freight rail projects.

Apply to USDOT
Criteria due from USDOT: May 18
Applications due: Aug. 16
Larry Ehl
Federal Relations Manager
Dept. of Transportation
National competitive grants:  $1.5 billion available, but no more than 20% to one state.
Transit Formula Funding


Cathy Silins
Assistant Director, Public Transportation Division
Dept. of Transportation
$172 million
Transit & Rail Capital Investment Grants

Updated on 3/24
Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) New Starts and Small Starts projects: light and heavy rail, commuter rail, busway/HOV projects that are already pre-approved by USDOT.

More information:
Direct applications and questions to the FTA. See details: Discretionary grants
Tribal Transit Grant Program

Added on 3/24
Projects that enhance public transportation access on and around Indian reservations in non-urbanized areas; and/or assist in development, maintenance, improvement and use of public transportation systems on and around Indian reservation. Apply to:
Federal Transit Authority ( FTA
Office of Program Management

Local contact:
Cathy Silins
Assistant Director, Public Transportation Division
Dept. of Transportation
National competitive grants: $17.25 million available