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For Immediate Release
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Contact: Linda Barth, Department of Administration, 608-266-7362

Governor Doyle Announces Nearly $9 Million in Savings on Bids for Road, Bridge Projects

MADISON – Governor Jim Doyle today announced the bids for the first road and bridge projects in Wisconsin funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act came in 7.2% lower than expected for a savings of $8,910,690.  The total engineering estimate for the 26 state and 19 local road and bridge projects let out for bid today was $123,559,853. The low bids submitted totaled $114,649,163.   

“There was good competition among contractors to compete for this work and bring in low bids.” Governor Doyle said. “That’s a good deal for taxpayers and provides the opportunity for additional projects to benefit from the federal funding.  Work on these and other projects this summer will provide good, family supporting jobs as contractors hire general laborers, traffic flaggers, equipment operators, ironworkers, painters, landscapers and many others.”

State law calls for construction contracts to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will review the bids for completeness and accuracy. Once comprehensive reviews have occurred, Governor Doyle executes and signs the contracts to allow work to begin.

The state intends to get construction activities underway on the state and local projects during this summer construction season.

Studies have shown that every $1 billion invested in highway construction supports approximately 42,000 jobs. 

The advertised projects and listing of the as read bid results is posted on the Web at
