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  Recovery Act Broadband Initiatives Meeting

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Recovery Act Broadband Initiative Kick Off Meeting
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Washington, DC - March 10, 2009

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Acting Chairman Michael Copps and U.S. Department of Commerce Senior Advisor and Acting Chief of Staff Rick Wade announced the kickoff of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009’s (ARRA) broadband initiative. Vilsack, Copps and Wade discussed the implementation of the broadband initiatives funded by the ARRA, initiatives critical for building a 21st Century information infrastructure and creating jobs in communities across the country.

Related Documents

Vilsack, Copps and Wade Kick Off American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's Broadband Initiative.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat

Bureaus Establish Comment Date for Report on Rural Broadband Strategy.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC, NTIA and RUS to Hold Joint Meeting March 10, 2009 on Broadband Initiatives Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Updated Meeting Agenda: Acrobat
Federal Register Notice: Acrobat
Logistics for Attending Meeting On Site or Remotely: Acrobat

last reviewed/updated on April 02, 2009

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